Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


on getBucket (name, adrtable, flmessages=false) {
		<<5/5/07; 11:10:55 AM by DW
			<<If the name has a /, treat everything after the first / as a "prefix" following the docs for "GET" on the Amazon website. This allows you to get a list of all the files in a sub-bucket, very handy .
		<<5/3/07; 5:59:40 PM by DW
			<<Add flmessages optional parameter.
		<<4/11/06; 6:31:11 PM by DW
			<<Created. Fill a table with information about all the objects in the bucket.
	local (params);
	new (tabletype, @params);
	params.["max-keys"] = 50; //1000
	bundle { //5/5/07 by DW
		if name beginswith "/" {
			name = string.delete (name, 1, 1)};
		if name contains "/" {
			local (ix = string.patternmatch ("/", name));
			params.prefix = string.mid (name, ix+1, sizeof (name)-ix-1);
			name = string.mid (name, 1, ix-1)}};
	s3.init ();
	new (tabletype, adrtable);
	local (ct=0);
	loop {
		local (response = s3.httpClient ("GET", "/" + name, @params), i, lastkey);
		<<scratchpad.response = response
		local (adrlistbucketresult = xml.getaddress (@response.xstruct, "ListBucketResult"));
		local (flTruncated = xml.getvalue (adrlistbucketresult, "IsTruncated"));
		for i = 1 to sizeof (adrlistbucketresult^) {
			local (adritem = @adrlistbucketresult^ [i]);
			if string.nthfield (nameof (adritem^), "\t", 2) == "Contents" {
				local (key = xml.getvalue (adritem, "Key"));
				local (adrsub = @adrtable^.[key]);
				bundle { //show message
					if flmessages {
						msg ("s3.getBucket /" + name + "/" + key + " #" + ++ct)}};
				new (tabletype, adrsub);
				adrsub^.size = xml.getvalue (adritem, "Size");
				adrsub^.modified = date.iso8601StringToDate (xml.getvalue (adritem, "LastModified"));
				adrsub^.etag = s3.decodeString (xml.getvalue (adritem, "ETag"));
				adrsub^.storageClass = xml.getvalue (adritem, "StorageClass");
				local (adrowner = xml.getaddress (adritem, "Owner"));
				adrsub^.ownerId = xml.getvalue (adrowner, "ID");
				try {
					adrsub^.ownerName = xml.getvalue (adrowner, "DisplayName")}
				else {
					adrsub^.ownerName = ""};
				lastkey = key}};
		if not flTruncated { //we're done
		params.marker = lastkey};
	if flmessages {
		msg ("")};
	return (true)};
bundle { //test code
	getBucket ("/scripting/backups/", @scratchpad.scriptingBackups, true)}
	<<getBucket ("scriptingImages", @scratchpad.scriptingImagesBucket, true)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.