Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.
on listenStream (port, flwaitloop = true, refcon = 0, timeout = 0) {
<<Set up a listener on the indicated port.
<<If flwaitloop is true, we wait for a connection to be created.
local (stream);
local (timedOut);
netEvents.init (); <<make sure all the tables we need are set up
loop { // we loop in case NetEvents times-out.
timedOut = false;
stream = appleEvent (, 'WAPI', 'LIST', '----', short (port), 'REFC', long (refcon), 'TIME', short (timeout));
local (adrtable = @user.netEvents.listens.[stream]);
new (tabletype, adrtable);
adrtable^.ready = false;
adrtable^.refcon = refcon;
if not flwaitloop { // if the caller doesn't want to wait, we immediately return the stream
return (stream)}
else { // we've been asked to wait
local (tc = clock.ticks ());
while not adrtable^.ready {
if clock.ticks () > (tc + 1800) { <<30 seconds
local (status, bytespending);
status = netEvents.statusStream (stream, @bytespending);
if status == "INACTIVE" {
timedOut = true;
delete (@user.netEvents.listens.[stream]);
tc = clock.ticks ()};
sys.systemTask ()};
if timedOut {
else {
return (stream)}}}} <<the caller is now ready to start reading from the stream
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.