Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:00 AM.
cardEditor.setCardSize (276, 168);
bundle { <<add the frame object to the card
cardEditor.newObject (card.types.frameType, "item1", "Droplet Name:", "");
bundle { <<set up attributes of new object
local (atts);
new (tableType, @atts);
atts.rect = rectangle.set (12, 12, 108, 264);
atts.font = "Chicago";
atts.size = 12;
atts.styl = 0;
atts.tran = true;
cardEditor.setObjectAttributes ("item1", @atts)}};
bundle { <<add the description text object to the card
cardEditor.newObject (card.types.statictextType, "item2", "", "");
bundle { <<set up attributes of new object
local (atts);
new (tableType, @atts);
atts.rect = rectangle.set (24, 24, 92, 249);
atts.font = "Geneva";
atts.size = 9;
atts.styl = 0;
bundle { <<set the text of the object
atts.text = "Briefly describe your droplet in this text box. How will I use it? How does it process each file or folder? What other software does it require? Does it delete files? Take a long time to run?"};
cardEditor.setObjectAttributes ("item2", @atts)}};
bundle { <<add the OK button
cardEditor.newObject (card.types.buttonType, "item3", "OK", "process (); card.close ()");
bundle { <<set up attributes of new object
local (atts);
new (tableType, @atts);
atts.rect = rectangle.set (120, 204, 144, 264);
atts.flag = true; <<it's the default button
atts.font = "Geneva";
atts.size = 9;
atts.styl = 0;
cardEditor.setObjectAttributes ("item3", @atts)}};
bundle { <<add the Cancel button
cardEditor.newObject (card.types.buttonType, "item4", "Cancel", "card.close ()");
bundle { <<set up attributes of new object
local (atts);
new (tableType, @atts);
atts.rect = rectangle.set (120, 120, 144, 180);
atts.font = "Geneva";
atts.size = 9;
atts.styl = 0;
cardEditor.setObjectAttributes ("item4", @atts)}};
bundle { <<add the author box
local (s);
s = "Author: " + + ", " + user.organization + "." + cr;
s = s + "Created on " + () + ".";
cardEditor.newObject (card.types.statictextType, "item5", s, "");
bundle { <<set up attributes of new object
local (atts);
new (tableType, @atts);
atts.rect = rectangle.set (180, 0, 206, 278);
atts.font = "Monaco";
atts.size = 9;
atts.styl = 0;
cardEditor.setObjectAttributes ("item5", @atts)}}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.