Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.


on loadSite (folder) {
	local (fldbverbs = false, rootf);
	if fldbverbs {
		rootf = "macintosh hd:apps:webstar:webstar.root"; (rootf, false)};
	local (server =, ctfiles = 0);
	on getOdbName (s) {
		return (string.replaceAll (s, ".", "$"))};
	on newTable (tablepath) {
		if fldbverbs {
			db.newTable (rootf, tablepath)}
		else {
			webstar.root.newTable (server, tablepath)}};
	on isDefined (path) {
		if fldbverbs {
			db.defined (rootf, path)}
		else {
			webstar.root.defined (server, tablepath)}};
	on newObject (pagepath, value, mimetype) {
		rollBeachball ();
		if fldbverbs {
			msg (pagepath);
			db.newTable (rootf, pagepath);
			db.setValue (rootf, pagepath + ".data", value);
			db.setValue (rootf, pagepath + ".mime", mimetype)}
		else {
			webstar.root.newObject (server, pagepath, value, mimetype)}};
	on save () {
		msg ("Saving...");
		if fldbverbs { ()}
		else { (server)};
		msg ("")};
	on loadFolder (folder, parentpath) {
		local (tablename = getOdbName (file.fileFromPath (folder) - ":"));
		local (tablepath = parentpath + tablename);
		newTable (tablepath);
		local (f);
		fileloop (f in folder) {
			if file.isFolder (f) {
				loadFolder (f, tablepath + ".")}
			else {
				local (fname = file.fileFromPath (f));
				local (suffix);
				bundle { <<figure out what the file's suffix is
					suffix = "." + string.nthfield (fname, '.', string.countfields (fname, '.'))};
				local (ct = sizeof (suffix));
				local (pagename = string.delete (fname, sizeof (fname) - ct + 1, ct));
				pagename = getOdbName (pagename);
				local (pagepath = tablepath + "." + pagename);
				msg (pagepath);
				local (s = string (file.readWholeFile (f)));
				local (mime = "text/html");
				case string.lower (suffix) {
					".html" {
						mime = "text/html"};
					".gif" {
						mime = "image/gif"};
					".hqx" {
						mime = "application/mac-binhex40"};
					".jpg" {
						mime = "image/jpeg"};
					".pict" {
						mime = "image/pict"};
					".au" {
						mime = "audio/basic"};
					".aiff" {
						mime = "audio/x-aiff"};
					".xbm" {
						mime = "image/x-xbm"};
					".mov" {
						mime = "video/quicktime"};
					".mpeg" {
						mime = "video/mpeg"};
					".word" {
						mime = "application/msword"};
					".xl" {
						mime = "application/excel"};
					".sit" {
						mime = "application/x-stuffit"};
					".pdf" {
						mime = "application/pdf"}};
				<<if isDefined (pagepath)
					<<finder.reveal (f)
					<<scriptError ("This file would replace a page that's already in the odb. Please rename the file or delete it from the website folder.")
				newObject (pagepath, s, mime);
	loadFolder (folder, "odb.");
	save ();
	if fldbverbs {
		db.close (rootf)};
	return (ctfiles)};

bundle { <<test code
	<<file.filteredcopy ("Internal:Apps:WebStar:frontier:", "Jaz Disk 1:frontier:", @msg)
	<<loadsite ("Macintosh HD:Apps:WebStar:frontier:")
	loadsite ("Internal:Apps:WebStar:docserver:")}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.