Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:02 AM.
on writeReport (f) { (f); <<create the file
file.setType (f, 'TEXT'); <<it's a text file
file.setCreator (f,; (f);
on add (s) {
file.write (f, s)};
add ("<html>\r");
add ("<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">\r");
add ("<code>Last build on " + () + ".</code>");
bundle { <<popular pages
local (lastRanking = user.webstar.lastRanking);
user.webstar.lastranking = {};
local (colwidths = {50, 50, 0});
add ("<br><br><h2>The most popular pages</h2>");
add ("<blockquote>\r");
add ("<table cellpadding=2 border=0>\r");
on addRow (rowlist) {
local (s = "", i);
s = s + "<tr>";
for i = 1 to sizeof (rowlist) {
if colwidths [i] != 0 {
s = s + "<td width=" + colwidths [i] + "><code><center>" + rowlist [i] + "</center></code></td>"}
else {
s = s + "<td><code>" + rowlist [i] + "</code></td>"}};
s = s + "</tr>\r";
file.write (f, s)};
addRow ({"Rank", "Last", "Page"});
local (i, j, url, val, link, lastrankstring);
local (ct = sizeof (user.webstar.urls));
local (lastitem = ct - user.webstar.ctreporturls + 1);
if lastitem < 1 {
lastitem = 1};
for i = ct downto lastitem {
msg (i);
val = user.webstar.urls [i];
if val > 1 {
url = string.replaceall (nameof (user.webstar.urls [i]), ":", "/");
link = "<a href=\"" + "http://" + user.webstar.domainname + url + "\">" + url + "</a>";
lastrankstring = "";
for j = 1 to sizeof (lastranking) {
if lastranking [j] == url {
lastrankstring = j;
addRow ({ct - i + 1, lastrankstring, link});
user.webstar.lastranking = user.webstar.lastranking + url}};
add ("</table>\r");
add ("</blockquote>\r")};
<<bundle <<active readers
<<add ("<br><br><h2>The most active readers</h2>")
<<add ("<blockquote>\r")
<<add ("<pre>\r")
<<add ("<b>reads\tuser\r\r</b>")
<<for i = sizeof (user.webstar.hosts) downto 1
<<msg (i)
<<val = user.webstar.hosts [i]
<<if val > 1
<<file.write (f, val + "\t" + nameof (user.webstar.hosts [i]) + "\r")
<<add ("</pre>\r")
<<add ("</blockquote>\r")
add ("</body>\r</html>");
file.close (f); ()};
bundle { <<test code
writeReport ("jaz disk 1:tmp.html");
webbrowser.opendocument ("jaz disk 1:tmp.html")}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.