Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


on newFile (f, bodytext, username=nil, password=nil, postTo="all") {
		<<3/3/08; 7:08:50 PM by DW
	local (apiurl = "", server, path, t, boundary);
	bundle { //set server, path
		local (urllist = string.urlsplit (apiurl));
		server = urllist [2];
		path = urllist [3]};
	bundle { //set username, password, if nil
		if username == nil {
			username = user.pownce.prefs.username};
		if password == nil {
			password = user.pownce.prefs.password}};
	bundle { //set up the parameters table
		new (tabletype, @t);
		t.note_to = postTo;
		t.note_body = bodytext;
		t.app_key = user.pownce.prefs.appKey};
	bundle { //build boundary
		local (i);
		boundary = "";
		for i = 1 to 5 {
			boundary = boundary + string.innerCaseName (states.nthState (random (1, 50)))};
		boundary = string.hashmd5 (boundary)};
	local (type = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary, body = "");
	bundle { //build body
		local (indentlevel = 0);
		on add (s) {
			body = body + string.filledstring ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r\n"};
		for adr in @t {
			add ("--" + boundary);
			add ("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + nameof (adr^) + "\"");
			add ("");
			add (adr^)};
		bundle { //add the file
			local (type);
			add ("--" + boundary);
			add ("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"media_file\"; filename=\"" + file.filefrompath (f) + "\"");
			bundle { //set type
				local (ext = string.lastfield (f, "."));
				type = "text/plain";
				try {type = user.webserver.prefs.ext2MIME.[ext]}};
			add ("Content-Type: " + type);
			add ("");
			add (string (file.readwholefile (f)));
			add ("--" + boundary + "--")}};
	body = string.delete (body, sizeof (body) - 2, 2);
	<<wp.newtextobject (body, @scratchpad.body)
	local (result = tcp.httpclient ("POST", server, 80, path, datatype:type, data:body, debug:false, username:username, password:password, timeOutTicks:60*60*60));
	wp.newtextobject (result, @scratchpad.posttext)};
	<<edit (@scratchpad.posttext)
	<<result = string.httpResultSplit (result)
	<<xml.compile (result, @xstruct)
	<<local (adrrsp = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "rsp"))
	<<local (photoid = xml.getvalue (adrrsp, "photoid"))
	<<return (photoid)
bundle { //test code
	f = "ohio:clintonConferenceCall.mp3";
	bodytext = "A campaign conference call MP3 from the Clinton campaign. Good news, we have a partner, a huge media company that decided to work with the bloggers. More to come.";
	newFile (f, bodytext)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.