Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.
on openSite (adrinfo, username, password, flHidden=false, adradrwindow=nil) {
<<Open a site in a window. Assume the prefs have already been set up.
<<We get from the Manila site a structure that contains: editorialRole, siteOutline, flCheckedOut.
<<10/11/00; 10:58:19 PM by PBS
<<10/28/00; 1:14:00 PM by PBS
<<Make sure there's a Manila Editors node.
<<11/03/00; 1:11:46 AM by JES
<<Add flAcceptsOpml to the site-prefs table if the server specifies it.
<<11/20/00; 1:40:27 AM by JES
<<Don't base64 decode the site outline when getting the opml through the Manila glue, since the glue script does this for us.
<<12/04/00; 4:57:06 PM by JES
<<If the entered or cached username doesn not specify a member of the site, present a username/password dialog.
<<12/08/00; 11:51:29 AM by JES
<<If username doesn't correspond to a member of the site, display an error message before presenting the email/password dialog again.
<<12/31/00; 5:07:27 PM by JES
<<On Macs, call op.xmlToOutline on opml that's converted to Mac text.
<<02/16/01; 1:38:32 PM by JES
<<Set the window's lastSave to now, to prevent extraneous save-confirmation dialogs after getting the outline from the server. If the user is not a managing editor, set flReadOnly to true -- if the user can't save the outline, why should they be able to edit it?
<<04/30/01; 2:20:30 AM by JES
<<Fixed a bug where the editorial outline was read-only for a managing editor, when it should be read/write.
<<09/06/01; 8:48:15 PM by JES
<<Set adradrwindow immediately after creating the window, since it's needed by manila.windowTypes.manilaSite.openManilaSite, even if opening the site fails.
bundle { //if the window is already open, bring it to the front
local (t); new (tableType, @t);
local (adrtype = parentOf (this^));
t.type = "manilaSite";
t.adrSiteInfo = adrinfo;
local (adrwindow);
if (@t, @adrwindow) {
local (title, flReadOnly = false);
window.attributes.getOne ("title", @title, adrwindow);
window.attributes.getOne ("flReadOnly", @flReadOnly, adrwindow);
if not flHidden {
edit (adrwindow, title, flReadOnly);
return (true)}}};
bundle { //get siteName
if adrinfo^.siteName == "" {
adrinfo^.siteName = manila.getSiteName (nameOf (adrinfo^))};
if adrinfo^.displaySiteName == "" {
adrinfo^.displaySiteName = adrinfo^.siteName}};
local (adrwindow);
bundle { //create the window
adrwindow = ("manilaSite", true);
window.attributes.setOne ("adrSiteInfo", adrinfo, adrwindow);
if adradrwindow != nil {
adradrwindow^ = adrwindow}};
local (flReadOnly = false);
local (flManagingEditor = false);
local (flEditor = false);
local (siteStruct);
local (flGotFromServer = false);
bundle { //make sure we have a username and password
if not manila.windowTypes.getUsernameAndPassword (adrinfo, @username, @password) {
return (false)};
bundle { //12/04/00 JES: make sure username specifies a member of the site
local (memberRole = manila.member.getRole (adrinfo, username));
while memberRole == 4 { // loop until the user enters a username that's a member of the site
dialog.alert ("Can't open " + nameOf (adrinfo^) + " because " + username + " is not a member."); //12/08/00 JES: Tell the user why the password dialog is about to appear again.
manila.windowTypes.setUsernameAndPassword (adrinfo, username, ""); //clear the password
if manila.windowTypes.getUsernameAndPassword (adrinfo, @username, @password) {
manila.windowTypes.setUsernameAndPassword (adrinfo, username, password);
username = string (username);
password = string (password);
memberRole = manila.member.getRole (adrinfo, username)}
else { //clean up data, delete the unfinished window's windowType table
if defined (adrinfo^) {
adrinfo^.username = "";
adrinfo^.password = "";
if defined ( {
if defined ([nameOf (adrinfo^)]) {
delete ([nameOf (adrinfo^)])}}};
delete (parentOf (adrwindow^));
return (false)}};
case memberRole {
1 {
flEditor = true;
flManagingEditor = true};
2 {
flEditor = true}}}};
try { //get the outline in a try because it might not exist yet
local (rpcCallInfo = adrinfo^);
rpcCallInfo.password = password;
rpcCallInfo.username = username;
siteStruct = manila.editorialOutline.get (@rpcCallInfo);
if siteStruct.editorialRole == "Managing Editor" {
flManagingEditor = true;
flEditor = true};
if siteStruct.editorialRole == "Contributing Editor" {
flEditor = true;
flReadOnly = true};
if siteStruct.flCheckedOut {
flReadOnly = true};
if defined (siteStruct.displaySiteName) {
adrinfo^.displaySiteName = siteStruct.displaySiteName};
if defined (siteStruct.flAcceptsOpml) and siteStruct.flAcceptsOpml { //11/02/00 JES
adrinfo^.flAcceptsOpml = true}
else {
adrinfo^.flAcceptsOpml = false};
flGotFromServer = true};
if flGotFromServer and flEditor {
local (opmlText = siteStruct.siteOutline); //11/20/00 JES: support for calling RPC handlers through the Manila glue.
if system.environment.isMac { //12/31/00 JES: convert to Mac text
op.xmlToOutline (latinToMac.convert (opmlText), adrwindow)}
else {
op.xmlToOutline (opmlText, adrwindow)};
if adrinfo^.displaySiteName == "" {
adrinfo^.displaySiteName = window.getTitle (adrwindow)}}
else { //do default nodes
local (oldTarget = target.set (adrwindow));
manila.windowTypes.buildManilaSiteOutline (adrwindow, adrinfo);
op.firstSummit ();
op.promote ();
op.deleteLine ();
op.firstSummit ();
try {target.set (oldTarget)};
flReadOnly = false};
bundle { //make sure there's an Editors node
local (oldTarget = target.set (adrwindow));
local (origCursor = op.getCursor ());
local (flFound = false);
op.firstSummit ();
loop {
local (atts);
if op.attributes.getAll (@atts) {
if defined (atts.type) {
if atts.type == "manilaEditorsContainer" {
if atts.containerType == "toplevel" {
flFound = true;
if not (op.go (down, 1)) {
if not flFound { //set up an Editors node
op.insert ("Editors", down);
local (atts);
new (tableType, @atts);
atts.type = "manilaEditorsContainer";
atts.containerType = "toplevel";
atts.siteUrl = nameOf (adrinfo^);
op.attributes.addGroup (@atts)};
op.setCursor (origCursor);
try {target.set (oldTarget)}};
local (t); new (tableType, @t);
bundle { //set attributes
if not flGotFromServer {
setTimeModified (adrwindow, date (0))};
if not flManagingEditor {
flReadOnly = true};
if adrinfo^.displaySiteName == "" {
t.title = adrinfo^.siteName}
else {
t.title = adrinfo^.displaySiteName};
t.flReadOnly = flReadOnly;
t.lastSaved = timeModified (adrwindow); //this happens in
window.attributes.addGroup (@t, adrwindow)};
if not flHidden {
edit (adrwindow, t.title, flReadOnly)};
return (true);
<<bundle //old code
<<if not defined (temp.pike)
<<new (tableType, @temp.pike)
<<if not defined (temp.pike.outlines)
<<new (tableType, @temp.pike.outlines)
<<local (adrOutlinesTable = @temp.pike.outlines)
<<local (adrTable = @adrOutlinesTable^.[displaySiteName])
<<if not defined (adrTable)
<<new (tableType, adrTable)
<<local (flOpenAlready = false)
<<if defined (adrTable^.outline) and window.isOpen (@adrTable^.outline)
<<flOpenAlready = true
<<if flOpenAlready
<<window.bringToFront (@adrTable^.outline)
<<else //create outline
<<new (tableType, adrTable)
<<new (outlineType, @adrTable^.outline)
<<local (flReadOnly = false)
<<local (flManagingEditor = false)
<<local (flEditor = false)
<<local (siteStruct)
<<local (flGotFromServer = false)
<<local (flAcceptsOpml = false) //11/02/00 JES
<<bundle //12/04/00 JES: make sure username specifies a member of the site
<<local (siteInfo = playlist.manila.buildSiteInfo (siteUrl))
<<if siteInfo.username == "" and siteInfo.password == ""// the user cancelled the username/password dialog
<<return (false)
<<local (memberRole = manila.member.getRole (@siteInfo, username))
<<while memberRole == 4 // loop until the user enters a username that's a member of the site
<<dialog.alert ("Can't open " + siteUrl + " because " + username + " is not a member.") //12/08/00 JES: Tell the user why the password dialog is about to appear again.
<<if playlist.manila.getPasswordDialog (siteUrl, @username, @password)
<<playlist.manila.setUsernameAndPassword (siteUrl, username, password)
<<username = string (username)
<<password = string (password)
<<memberRole = manila.member.getRole (@siteInfo, username)
<<return (false)
<<case memberRole
<<flEditor = true
<<flManagingEditor = true
<<flEditor = true
<<siteStruct = playlist.manila.rpc.getManilaSiteOutline (siteUrl, username, password)
<<if siteStruct.flCheckedOut
<<flReadOnly = true
<<if siteStruct.editorialRole == "Managing Editor"
<<flManagingEditor = true
<<flEditor = true
<<if siteStruct.editorialRole == "Contributing Editor"
<<flEditor = true
<<flReadOnly = true
<<if siteStruct.flCheckedOut
<<flReadOnly = true
<<if defined (siteStruct.flAcceptsOpml) and siteStruct.flAcceptsOpml //11/02/00 JES
<<flAcceptsOpml = true
<<user.playlist.manila.sites.[siteUrl].flAcceptsOpml = true
<<flGotFromServer = true
<<if flGotFromServer and flEditor
<<local (opmlText = base64.decode (siteStruct.siteOutline))
<<local (opmlText = siteStruct.siteOutline) //11/20/00 JES: support for calling RPC handlers through the Manila glue.
<<if system.environment.isMac //12/31/00 JES: convert to Mac text
<<op.xmlToOutline (latinToMac.convert (opmlText), @adrTable^.outline)
<<op.xmlToOutline (opmlText, @adrTable^.outline)
<<else //do default nodes
<<local (oldTarget = target.set (@adrTable^.outline))
<<playlist.manila.commands.addManilaSiteNode (siteUrl, username:username, password:password)
<<op.firstSummit ()
<<op.promote ()
<<op.deleteLine ()
<<op.firstSummit ()
<<try {target.set (oldTarget)}
<<flReadOnly = false
<<if flGotFromServer //02/16/00 JES: set lastSave so that non-dirty outlines don't act dirty
<<adrTable^.flSaved = true
<<adrTable^.lastSave = ()
<<adrTable^.flSaved = false
<<if not flManagingEditor //02/16/00 JES: if the user is not a managing editor, prevent a save/don't save/cancel dialog when closing the outline
<<flReadOnly = true
<<adrTable^.timeCreated = ()
<<adrTable^.title = displaySiteName
<<adrTable^.flLocal = false
<<adrTable^.flManilaSiteOutline = true
<<adrTable^.flReadOnly = flReadOnly
<<adrTable^.siteUrl = siteUrl
<<adrTable^.flAcceptsOpml = flAcceptsOpml //11/02/00 JES
<<bundle //make sure there's an Editors node
<<local (adrOutline = @adrTable^.outline)
<<local (oldTarget = target.set (adrOutline))
<<local (origCursor = op.getCursor ())
<<local (flFound = false)
<<op.firstSummit ()
<<local (atts)
<<if op.attributes.getAll (@atts)
<<if defined (atts.type)
<<if atts.type == "manilaEditorsContainer"
<<if atts.containerType == "toplevel"
<<flFound = true
<<if not (op.go (down, 1))
<<if not flFound //set up an Editors node
<<op.insert ("Editors", down)
<<local (atts)
<<new (tableType, @atts)
<<atts.type = "manilaEditorsContainer"
<<atts.containerType = "toplevel"
<<atts.siteUrl = siteUrl
<<op.attributes.addGroup (@atts)
<<op.setCursor (origCursor)
<<try {target.set (oldTarget)}
<<edit (@adrTable^.outline, displaySiteName, flReadOnly)
<<return (true)
<<bundle //testing
<<openSite ([""], "", "forget!it")
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.