Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.
<<7/5/01; 2:36:18 PM by JES
<<Initialize Manila site editing windowTypes, copying info from user.playlist.manila if it exists.
<<All Manila site editing functionality is now implemented in nodeTypes and windowTypes.
bundle { //init user.manila
if not defined (user.manila) {
new (tableType, @user.manila)};
if not defined (user.manila.prefs) {
new (tableType, @user.manila.prefs)};
if not defined (user.manila.prefs.lastSiteUrl) {
if defined (user.playlist.manila.prefs.lastSiteUrl) {
user.manila.prefs.lastSiteUrl = user.playlist.manila.prefs.lastSiteUrl}
else {
user.manila.prefs.lastSiteUrl = "http://"}};
if not defined ( {
new (tableType,};
if not defined ( {
new (tableType,;
if defined (user.playlist.manila.sites) {
local (adrinfo);
for adrinfo in @user.playlist.manila.sites {
local (name = nameOf (adrinfo^));
bundle { //make sure that the table name includes the port
local (parts = string.urlSplit (name));
if not (parts[2] contains ":") {
parts[2] = parts[2] + ":80"};
name = parts[1] + parts[2] + "/" + parts[3]};
local (adrdest =[name]);
adrdest^ = adrinfo^;
try {table.rename (@adrdest^.rpcServer, "host")};
try {table.rename (@adrdest^.rpcPort, "port")};
try {table.rename (@adrdest^.canonicalSiteName, "siteName")}}}}};
bundle { //install windowTypes
local (adrcode = @system.verbs.apps.manila.windowTypes.types);
local (adrtable =;
local (adrtype);
for adrtype in adrcode {
local (name = nameOf (adrtype^));
adrtable^.[name] = adrtype}}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.