Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.
<<Expand the Stories list.
<<10/09/00; 11:41:37 AM by PBS
local (oldTarget = target.set (window.frontmost ()));
local (oldDisplay = op.getDisplay ());
local (cursor = op.getCursor ());
op.setDisplay (false);
bundle {
local (flGoneRight = false);
local (atts);
op.attributes.getAll (@atts);
local (siteUrl = atts.siteUrl);
local (baseDiscussUrl = atts.baseDiscussUrl);
local (adrinfo);
local (username, password);
on createInfoCallback (adrinfo) {
if not (manila.windowTypes.getUsernameAndPassword (adrinfo, @username, @password)) {
bundle { //don't leave stale data lying around
local (adrtempinfo =[nameOf (adrinfo^)]);
if defined (adrtempinfo^) {delete (adrtempinfo)};
delete (adrinfo)};
return (false)}};
if not manila.windowTypes.findSiteInfo (siteUrl, @adrinfo, @createInfoCallback) {
return (true)};
if adrinfo^.siteName == "" {
adrinfo^.siteName = manila.getSiteName (nameOf (adrinfo^))};
local (siteprefs = manila.nodeTypes.attsToSitePrefsTable (@atts)); //a table for RPC calls
if not manila.windowTypes.getUsernameAndPassword (adrinfo, @username, @password) {
return (true)}; //user cancelled the dialog
siteprefs.username = username;
siteprefs.password = password;
op.deleteSubs ();
on addMessage (adrTable, flLastMessage=false) {
local (linetext = adrTable^.subject);
local (author = adrTable^.memberName);
if author != adrTable^.member {
author = author + " (" + adrTable^.member + ")"};
if system.environment.isMac {
linetext = string.latinToMac (linetext)};
local (dir = down);
if not flGoneRight {
dir = right;
flGoneRight = true};
op.insert (linetext, dir);
adrTable^.siteUrl = siteUrl;
adrTable^.type = "manilaMessage";
manila.nodeTypes.addSitePrefsToAtts (adrinfo, adrTable);
op.attributes.addGroup (adrTable)};
local (messageHeaders = manila.message.getStoriesHeaders (@siteprefs));
local (i);
for i = sizeOf (messageHeaders) downTo 1 {
local (flLastMessage = false);
if i == 1 {
flLastMessage = true};
addMessage (@messageHeaders [i], flLastMessage)}};
op.setCursor (cursor);
op.setDisplay (oldDisplay);
try {target.set (oldTarget)};
return (true)
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.