Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


	<<Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 5:34:19 PM by PBS
		<<Created. Expand a node that contains messages and/or other discuss containers.
	<<Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 10:57:10 AM by DW
		<<When expanding a "toplevel" subtype, add another node, "threads".
		<<Then add a "threads" branch to the case statement.
	<<9/17/01; 12:33:33 PM by JES
		<<Fixed a bug where discussion group nodes wouldn't be expanded, if the site contains only one year.

local (oldTarget = target.set (window.frontmost ()));
local (oldDisplay = op.getDisplay ());
op.setDisplay (false);

local (flGoneRight = false);
local (atts);
op.attributes.getAll (@atts);
local (baseDiscussUrl = atts.baseDiscussUrl);
local (siteUrl = atts.siteUrl);

local (adrinfo);
local (username, password);
on createInfoCallback (adrinfo) {
	if not (manila.windowTypes.getUsernameAndPassword (adrinfo, @username, @password)) {
		bundle { //don't leave stale data lying around
			local (adrtempinfo =[nameOf (adrinfo^)]);
			if defined (adrtempinfo^) {delete (adrtempinfo)};
			delete (adrinfo)};
		return (false)}};
if not manila.windowTypes.findSiteInfo (siteUrl, @adrinfo, @createInfoCallback) {
	return (true)};
if adrinfo^.siteName == "" {
	adrinfo^.siteName = manila.getSiteName (nameOf (adrinfo^))};
local (siteprefs = manila.nodeTypes.attsToSitePrefsTable (@atts)); //a table for RPC calls
if not manila.windowTypes.getUsernameAndPassword (adrinfo, @username, @password) {
	return (true)}; //user cancelled the dialog
siteprefs.username = username;
siteprefs.password = password;

local (type = string.lower (atts.discussContainerType));

on addContainer (linetext, containerType, url, year=nil, month=nil, day=nil) {
	local (dir = down);
	if not flGoneRight {
		dir = right;
		flGoneRight = true};
	op.insert (linetext, dir);
	local (atts);
	new (tableType, @atts);
	atts.type = "manilaDiscussContainer";
	atts.discussContainerType =  containerType;
	atts.url = url;
	atts.baseDiscussUrl = baseDiscussUrl;
	atts.siteUrl = siteUrl;
	if year != nil {
		atts.year = year};
	if month != nil {
		atts.month = month};
	if day != nil { = day};
	manila.nodeTypes.addSitePrefsToAtts (adrinfo, @atts);
	op.attributes.addGroup (@atts)};
on addMessage (adrTable, flLastMessage=false) {
	<<scratchpad.msgtable = adrtable^
	local (linetext = adrTable^.subject);
	local (author = adrTable^.memberName);
	if author != adrTable^.member {
		author = author + " (" + adrTable^.member + ")"};
	linetext = linetext + " -- " + author;
	if system.environment.isMac {
		linetext = string.latinToMac (linetext)};
	local (dir = down);
	if not flGoneRight {
		dir = right;
		flGoneRight = true};
	op.insert (linetext, dir);
	adrTable^.siteUrl = siteUrl;
	adrTable^.baseDiscussUrl = baseDiscussUrl;
	adrTable^.type = "manilaMessageReadOnly";
	adrTable^.flLastMessage = flLastMessage;
	manila.nodeTypes.addSitePrefsToAtts (adrinfo, adrTable);
	op.attributes.addGroup (adrTable)};

on passwordLoop (adrCallback) { //PBS 09/11/00: handle password errors
	loop {
		try {
			adrCallback^ (); //RPC method call
			return (true)}
		else {
			local (lowerError = string.lower (tryError));
			if (lowerError contains "password") or (lowerError contains "not a member") {
				if not (manila.windowTypes.getUsernameAndPassword (adrinfo, @username, @password, true)) {
					return (false)};
				manila.windowTypes.setUsernameAndPassword (adrinfo, username, password)}
			else {
				scriptError (tryError)}}}};

op.deleteSubs ();
local (cursor = op.getCursor ());

on resetOpState () {
	op.setCursor (cursor);
	op.setDisplay (oldDisplay);
	try {target.set (oldTarget)}};

case type {
	"toplevel" { //it contains Current and year nodes
		<<Insert Current container.
		local (url = baseDiscussUrl);
		<<Insert years.
		local (years);
		on getYears () {
			<<Copied from suites.playlist.manila.rpc.getDiscussCalendarYears
			firstDate = manila.message.calendar.getFirstDate (@sitePrefs);
			lastDate = manila.message.calendar.getLastDate (@sitePrefs);
			local (firstYear = date.year (firstDate));
			local (lastYear = date.year (lastDate));
			if firstYear == lastYear {
				years = {firstYear};
				return (true)};
			years = {firstYear};
			for i = (firstYear + 1) to lastYear - 1 {
				years = years + i};
			years = years + lastYear;
			return (true)};
		if not (passwordLoop (@getYears)) {
			resetOpState ();
			return (false)}; //user cancelled
		if years == nil {
			resetOpState ();
			return (false)};
		addContainer ("Current", "current", url);
		addContainer ("Threads", "threads", url);
		local (oneYear, i);
		for i = sizeOf (years) downTo 1 {
			oneYear = years [i];
			addContainer (oneYear, "year", url, year:oneYear)}}; //years don't really have URLs
	"current" { //get the message headers for the current day
		local (messageHeaders);
		on getMessageHeaders () {
			<<playlist.manila.rpc.getDiscussCurrentMessageHeaders (siteUrl, @messageHeaders)
			<<local (sitePrefs = suites.playlist.manila.getRpcInfoTableFromPrefs (siteUrl))
			messageHeaders = manila.message.getCurrentHeaders (@siteprefs);
			return (true)};
		if not (passwordLoop (@getMessageHeaders)) {
			resetOpState ();
			return (false)}; //user cancelled
		local (i);
		for i = 1 to sizeOf (messageHeaders) {
			local (flLastMessage = false);
			if i == 1 {
				flLastMessage = true};
			addMessage (@messageHeaders [i], flLastMessage)}};
	"threads" { //get the most recent top-level messages in the DG
		local (messageHeaders);
		on getMessageHeaders () {
			<<playlist.manila.rpc.getDiscussCurrentThreadsHeaders (siteUrl, @messageHeaders)
			<<scratchpad.messageHeaders = messageHeaders
			messageHeaders = manila.message.getCurrentThreads (@siteprefs)};
		if not (passwordLoop (@getMessageHeaders)) {
			resetOpState ();
			return (false)}; //user cancelled
		local (i);
		for i = 1 to sizeOf (messageHeaders) {
			local (flLastMessage = false);
			if i == 1 {
				flLastMessage = true};
			addMessage (@messageHeaders [i], flLastMessage)}};
	"year" { //get the months in this year
		local (url = baseDiscussUrl);
		local (year);
		op.attributes.getOne ("year", @year);
		local (months);
		on getMonths () {
			<<months = suites.playlist.manila.rpc.getDiscussCalendarMonths (siteUrl, year)
			months = manila.message.calendar.getMonthsInYear (@siteprefs, year)};
		if not (passwordLoop (@getMonths)) {
			resetOpState ();
			return (false)}; //user cancelled
		local (oneMonth, i);
		for i = sizeOf (months) downTo 1 {
			oneMonth = months [i];
			addContainer (oneMonth, "month", url, year:year, month:oneMonth)}}; //months don't really have URLs
	"month" { //get the days in this month
		local (month);
		local (atts);
		op.attributes.getAll (@atts);
		year = atts.year;
		month = atts.month;
		local (days);
		on getDays () {
			<<days = playlist.manila.rpc.getDiscussCalendarDays (siteUrl, year, month)
			days = manila.message.calendar.getDaysInMonth (@siteprefs, year, month)};
		if not (passwordLoop (@getDays)) {
			resetOpState ();
			return (false)}; //user cancelled
		local (oneDay, i);
		for i = sizeOf (days) downTo 1 {
			oneDay = days [i];
			local (url = baseDiscussUrl + "$" + year + "/" + string.padWithZeros (month, 2) + "/" + string.padWithZeros (oneDay, 2));
			addContainer (oneDay, "day", url, year:year, month:month, day:oneDay)}}; //days have URLs
	"day" { //get the messages for one day
		local (atts);
		op.attributes.getAll (@atts);
		local (year = atts.year);
		local (month = atts.month);
		local (day =;
		local (messageHeaders);
		local (d = date.set (day, month, year, 0, 0, 0));
		on getDayHeaders () {
			<<playlist.manila.rpc.getDiscussMessageHeaders (siteUrl, @messageHeaders, d)
			messageHeaders = manila.message.getHeaders (@siteprefs, d)};
		if not (passwordLoop (@getDayHeaders)) {
			resetOpState ();
			return (false)}; //user cancelled
		local (i);
		for i = 1 to sizeOf (messageHeaders) {
			addMessage (@messageHeaders [i])}}};

resetOpState ();
return (true)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.