Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.
on getUserProfile (username, adrtable) {
<<12/24/08; 10:18:24 AM by DW
<<Allow for the possibility of an empty nickname. atul had one in his profile.
<<7/21/08; 6:17:27 AM by DW
local (url = "" + username + "/profile?format=xml");
new (tabletype, adrtable);
new (tabletype, @adrtable^.subscriptions);
new (tabletype, @adrtable^.rooms);
new (tabletype, @adrtable^.services);
local (xmltext = tcp.httpreadurl (url, flmessages:false), xstruct, adr);
xml.compile (xmltext, @xstruct);
local (adruser = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "user"));
<<scratchpad.xstruct = xstruct
adrtable^.status = xml.getvalue (adruser, "status");
adrtable^.name = xml.getvalue (adruser, "name");
adrtable^.profileUrl = xml.getvalue (adruser, "profileUrl");
adrtable^.nickname = xml.getvalue (adruser, "nickname");
adrtable^.id = xml.getvalue (adruser, "id");
for adr in adruser { //subscriptions
if nameof (adr^) endswith "subscription" {
local (nickname = xml.getvalue (adr, "nickname"));
local (adrsub = @adrtable^.subscriptions.[nickname]);
if sizeof (nickname) > 0 { //12/24/08 by DW
new (tabletype, adrsub);
adrsub^.profileUrl = xml.getvalue (adr, "profileUrl");
adrsub^.id = xml.getvalue (adr, "id");
adrsub^.name = xml.getvalue (adr, "name")}}};
for adr in adruser { //rooms
if nameof (adr^) endswith "room" {
local (nickname = xml.getvalue (adr, "nickname"));
local (adrsub = @adrtable^.rooms.[nickname]);
new (tabletype, adrsub);
adrsub^.url = xml.getvalue (adr, "url");
adrsub^.id = xml.getvalue (adr, "id");
adrsub^.name = xml.getvalue (adr, "name")}};
for adr in adruser { //services
if nameof (adr^) endswith "service" {
local (size = sizeof (adrtable^.services));
local (adrsub = @adrtable^.services.[string.padwithzeros (size+1, 3)]);
new (tabletype, adrsub);
adrsub^.url = xml.getvalue (adr, "url");
adrsub^.iconUrl = xml.getvalue (adr, "iconUrl");
adrsub^.id = xml.getvalue (adr, "id");
adrsub^.name = xml.getvalue (adr, "name");
try {adrsub^.profileUrl = xml.getvalue (adr, "profileUrl")};
try {adrsub^.username = xml.getvalue (adr, "username")}}}};
bundle { //testcode
getUserProfile ("atul", @scratchpad.userprofile);
edit (@scratchpad.userprofile)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.