Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


on getRealTimeUpdates (username=nil, remotekey=nil, adrcallback=nil, room=nil) {
		<<2/2/09; 9:31:33 AM by DW
			<<Don't fail if the result from FF is not a feed.
		<<1/24/09; 5:09:51 PM by DW
			<<New optional parameter, room -- if specified we get realtime updates for a room.
		<<10/21/08; 4:25:08 PM by DW
			<<Glue for FriendFeed's new realtime API.
	local (baseurl = "");
	friendfeed.init ();
	bundle { //set defaults
		if username == nil {
			username = user.friendfeed.prefs.username};
		if remotekey == nil {
			remotekey = string (user.friendfeed.prefs.remotekey)}};
	on httpClient (url, adrparams) {
		local (urllist = string.urlsplit (url), path = urllist [3], adr);
		bundle { //add params to the path
			path = path + "?";
			for adr in adrparams {
				path = path + nameof (adr^) + "=" + adr^ + "&"};
			path = string.delete (path, sizeof (path), 1)};
		local (tc = clock.ticks (), timeoutticks = 60 * user.FriendFeed.prefs.timeoutsecs);
		local (s = string.httpResultSplit (tcp.httpClient (server:urllist [2], path:path, username:username, password:remotekey, timeoutticks:timeoutticks, flmessages:false, data:" ")));
		<<wp.newtextobject (s, @scratchpad.friendfeedresult)
		return (s)};
	local (params);
	on gettoken (adrstruct) {
		local (adrfeed = xml.getaddress (adrstruct, "feed"));
		local (adrupdate = xml.getaddress (adrfeed, "update"));
		return (xml.getvalue (adrupdate, "token"))};
	bundle { //get params
		local (xstruct);
		new (tabletype, @params);
		params.format = "xml";
		local (s = httpclient (baseurl, @params));
		xml.compile (s, @xstruct);
		<<scratchpad.xstruct = xstruct
		params.token = gettoken (@xstruct);
		<<dialog.alert (token)
		params.timeout = user.FriendFeed.prefs.timeoutsecs / 2};
	loop {
		local (url);
		bundle { //set url, 1/24/09 by DW
			if room == nil {
				url = baseurl + "/home"}
			else {
				url = baseurl + "/room/" + room}};
		local (s = httpclient (url, @params), xstruct);
		xml.compile (s, @xstruct);
		<<scratchpad.xstruct = xstruct
		params.token = gettoken (@xstruct);
		try { //2/2/09 by DW -- changed from "bundle"
			local (adrfeed = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "feed"), adrentry=nil);
			try {
				adrentry = xml.getaddress (adrfeed, "entry")};
				<<scratchpad.entry = adrentry^
			if (adrcallback != nil) and (adrentry != nil) {
				adrcallback^ (adrentry)}}}}
<<bundle //test code
	<<local (username = user.friendfeed.prefs.username, remotekey = user.friendfeed.prefs.remotekey)
	<<local (adroutline = @scratchpad.realtimeupdates)
	<<new (outlinetype, adroutline)
	<<edit (adroutline)
	<<on callback (adrentry)
		<<local (title = xml.getvalue (adrentry, "title"))
		<<local (oldtarget = target.set (adroutline))
		<<op.insert (title, down)
		<<target.set (oldtarget)
	<<getRealTimeUpdates (username, remotekey, adrcallback:@callback, room:"instant-outline-beta")

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.