Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


on getUsersFeed (username, id=nil) {
		<<11/27/07; 9:08:32 AM by DW
			<<Add id as an optional parameter. It's really ugly, but necessary for performance. It's possible that the caller has an id, and if so, this can be instantaneous.
		<<11/6/07; 8:45:39 AM by DW
			<<Given a username, return the url of his or her feed.
	if id == nil { //11/27/07 by DW
		id = Flickr.people.findByUsername (username)};
	local (url = "");
	url = url + "&id=" + id;
	return (url)}
<<bundle //test code
	<<webbrowser.openurl (getUsersFeed ("", "22221172@N00"))
	<<webbrowser.openurl (getUsersFeed ("bsabet"))
	<<webbrowser.openurl (getUsersFeed ("dickheadmcgee"))

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.