Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


on scan () {
		<<1/8/08; 3:37:20 PM by DW
			<<Support for callbacks.
		<<1/6/08; 6:56:35 PM by DW
			<<Support default tags.
		<<12/4/07; 4:31:01 PM by DW
			<<Nested folders correspond to tags.
			<<If a picture is dropped in the top level of the folder it has no tags. If it's dropped in a sub-folder named Iowa it is uploaded with one tag -- Iowa. If it's dropped in a sub-sub-folder named Ames, it is uploaded with two tags, Iowa and Ames. You can nest to any level supported by the OS. Scanning is still very fast. 
		<<12/3/07; 11:12:27 AM by DW
		<<6/15/07; 5:21:11 PM by DW
			<<Archive to S3.
		<<6/15/07; 4:58:54 PM by DW
			<<Add a flag to control local archiving,
		<<6/15/07; 3:40:15 PM by DW
			<<Support for archive folder on local hard disk.
			<<Track the number of errors (but it isn't reported anywhere).
		<<6/13/07; 11:55:50 AM by DW
			<<Remove whitespace at end of HTML text.
		<<6/12/07; 2:06:52 PM by DW
			<<Respect the new and boolean.
		<<6/11/07; 12:10:33 PM by DW
	local (ctcopied = 0, cterrors = 0, s = "");
	loop { //loop until the folder is empty -- the user could be copying while we're copying
		local (f, ctcopiedthisloop = 0);
		fileloop (f in, infinity) {
			local (fname = string.lower (file.filefrompath (f)));
			if (fname endswith ".gif") or (fname endswith ".jpg") or (fname endswith ".jpeg") {
				try {
					local (tags);
					bundle { //set tags
						tags = string.delete (file.folderfrompath (f), 1, sizeof (;
						if sizeof (tags) == 0 {
							tags =} //1/6/08 by DW
						else {
							<<Louisiana:New Orleans:Uptown:
							tags = string.delete (tags, sizeof (tags), 1);
							<<Louisiana:New Orleans:Uptown
							tags = "\"" + string.replaceall (tags, file.getpathchar (), "\" \"") + "\"";
							<<"Louisiana" "New Orleans" "Uptown"
							tags = + " " + tags}}; //1/6/08 by DW
					s = s + Flickr.getImgHtml (Flickr.uploadPhoto (f, tags:tags), flRightAlign:true) + "\r\r";
					if {
						speaker.beep ()};
				else {
				bundle { //archive the image locally
					if {
						local (farchive = + file.getDatePath () + file.filefrompath (f));
						file.surefilepath (farchive);
						file.copy (f, farchive)}};
				bundle { //archive the image to S3
					if {
						local (path = + file.getDatePath ("/") + file.filefrompath (f));
						s3.newObject (path, file.readwholefile (f))}}};
			file.delete (f)};
		if ctcopiedthisloop == 0 {
	if sizeof (s) > 0 {
		wp.newtextobject (string.trimwhitespace (s),;
		edit (, "Copy/Paste into your web page");
		bundle { //callbacks, 1/8/08 by DW
			local (adrscript);
			for adrscript in {
				while typeof (adrscript^) == addresstype {
					adrscript = adrscript^};
				try {
					adrscript^ ()}}}}}
<<bundle //test code
	<<scan ()

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.