Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.
on putFilesAway () {
local (pFolder = "finderMenu.examples.putAwayPath");
on visit (path) {
<<we take every file (folders are ignored) and check it's creator
<<then we find out the name of the creator app, & add a 'Ä' to
<<the end of it's name. We then put the file into a folder named
<<'[appName] Ä'. If the folder doesn't exist, we make it. If the
<<creating app doesn't exist, the file goes into the 'unknown'
if file.isFolder (path) or (file.type (path) == 'APPL') {
return (true)};
local {
app = file.fileFromPath (file.findApplication (file.creator (path)));
dest = finderMenu.examples.putAwayPath};
if app == "" {
app = "Unknown files"};
dest = dest + app + " Ä:";
if ! file.exists (dest) { << if the destination folder doesn't exist, make it
file.newFolder (dest)};
<<We can run into problems here
<<if the user tries to put away files that are on a different volume
<<than the destination, they need to be copied, not moved.
if file.volumeFromPath (path) == file.volumeFromPath (dest) {
file.move (path, dest)}
else {
dest = dest + file.fileFromPath (path);
file.copy (path, dest)};
return (true)};
bundle { << error checking
<<does the ODB address exist?
if ! defined (pFolder^) {
new (stringType, pFolder)};
<<does the path at pFolder^ exist?
<<is it a folder ?
if ! file.exists (pFolder^) or ! file.isFolder (pFolder^) {
if ! file.getFolderDialog ("Please select the folder to use as your master file folder:", pFolder) {
return (false)}}};
FinderMenu.visitPaths (@visit)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.