Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.


on replyToDigest(toField="") {
	<<reply to the selected text in a digest message
	<<Pioneerware by Scott S. Lawton 5/22/95
		<<CompuServe: 70214,424
		<<Advertisement: our cool Player utility lets scripts control anything via the user interface
			<<choose menus, set checkboxes, dismiss dialogs & even query the text of an error msg.
	<<Dick Munroe ( 23-Jul-96
		<<Try to figure out the list address if one isn't provided.
	<<Dick Munroe ( 20-Aug-96
		<<Add signature.
	<<Dick Munroe ( 21-Aug-96
		<<Check internet config if there is no eudora signature.
	<<Fri, Aug 23, 1996 by Preston Holmes <>
		<<Better check for digest return address
		<<Will prompt in last resort
	local {
		defaultListAddress = "";
		textField = "";
		i = 1;
		colon =':'; << more readable (to me)
	<<moderately useful general-purpose function (could use a better name)
	on getCharsAfter(textString, delimiter) {
		local {
			index = string.patternMatch(delimiter, textString) + 1; << go 1 beyond the delimiter
			space =' '}; << more readable (to me)
		return string.popLeading( string.mid(textString, index, infinity), space )};
	with objectModel, Eudora, eventInfo {
		if toField == "" {
			msg = getCurrentMessageObject();
			<<Try to get the list name from the subject
			try {
				toField = get (msg.field["Reply-To"]) - "Reply-To: "}
			else {
				toField = getMessageSubject(msg);
				if  (string.lower(toField) contains " digest v") {
					j = string.patternMatch (" Digest V", toField);
					toField = string.mid (toField, 1, j -1);
					toField = string.popLeading (toField, ' ');
					toField = string.popTrailing (toField, ' ');
					toField = toField + "@" + defaultListAddress}
				else {
					if not dialog.ask ("Address of list?", @toField) {
		try {
			s = getSelectedText()}
		else {
			dialog.alert ("No digest text was selected");
		theLine = string.nthField(s, cr, i);
		while not (theLine contains colon) { << skip "---" and blank lines and such
			theLine = string.nthField(s, cr, i)};
		dateField = getCharsAfter(theLine, colon); << I actually ignore this field at the moment
		fromField = getCharsAfter(string.nthField(s, cr, i), colon);
		subjectField = getCharsAfter(string.nthField(s, cr, i), colon);
		++i; << i.e. advance beyond subject
		++i; << skip the blank line
		<<not sure if there's a more elegant way to get the remainder...
		for j = i to string.countFields(s, cr) {
			textField = textField + string.nthField(s, cr, j) + cr};
		if not ( string.lower(subjectField) beginsWith "re:" ) {
			subjectField = "Re: " + subjectField};
		textField = ">" + string.replaceAll(textField, cr, cr + ">"); << "quote" the text
		local {
			signature = ""};
		try {
			signature =  Eudora.getSignature()};
		if (signature == "") and defined(ic) {
			try {
				signature = ic.getICPreference(ic.eventInfo.signature)}};
		theMsg = createMessage(); << creates new message, returns an ObjectSpecifier
		setMessageTo(theMsg, toField);
		setMessageSubject(theMsg, subjectField);
		setMessageText(theMsg, fromField + " typed:" + cr + textField + signature)}};
		<<setMessageText(theMsg, "On " + dateField + ", " + fromField + " typed:" + cr + textField)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.