Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:01 AM.
<<How to work with this example:
<<Given the objectmodel nature of Eudora it is not easy to only one run line of this script at a time.
<<What you should do is Debug this script and step through it one line at a time. Use the lookup feature of
<<the debugger to look at the value of the "result" variable as you go.
with objectModel, Eudora, eventInfo { <<most scripts should issue Eudora commands from within a statement like this one
local (result);
if not isRunning() { <<make sure it is running if not launch it.
bundle { <<opening and closing things
open (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"]); <<Open a mailbox
close (window[1]); <<Eudora 3 or greater <<Close the frontmost window
open (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"]); <<Open a mailbox
close (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"]); <<Close a mailbox
open (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"].message[1])};
bundle { <<getting things
<<objectModel way:
result = get (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"].message[1].subject);
result = get (setting[25]); <<Does Eudora send message immediately?
result = get (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"].message[1].sender);
<<Non Object Model way:
result = getMessageSubject (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"].message[1]);
result = getSetting(25);
result = getMessageSender (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"].message[1])};
<<Notice that sender is a different concept in objectModel vs non objectModel scripts
<<getMessageSender actually returns the "From:" field, where getting the sender property of a message gets
<<what Eudora displays in the sender column of index views.
bundle { <<moving messages
result = move (mailfolder[""].mailbox["in"].message[1], endOf (mailfolder[""].mailbox["trash"]));
<<result now contains a reference to the moved message
move (result, endOf (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"]))}; <<move it back to the Inbox
bundle { <<Does something exist?
result = exists (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"]); <<Does an inbox exist?
result = exists (mailfolder[""].mailbox["blah"]); <<does a mailbox called blah exist?
result = exists (mailfolder[""].mailbox["in"].message[1])}; <<Does the Inbox contain an inbox message
bundle { <<forward a message
local (newMsg);
newMsg = forward (mailfolder[""].mailbox["in"].message[1]); <<forward a message, no fields can be set at this time
result = get (newMsg.subject);
setMessageSubject (newMsg, "Test Subject")}; <<setting of the subject by setting msg property seems to be broken in 3.0
bundle { <<connecting
<< connect and send Outgoing mail
connect (sendMail:true);
<< connect and check mail
connect (checkMail:true)};
bundle { <<misc
result = duplicate (mailfolder[""].mailbox["in"].message[1], endof (mailFolder[""].mailbox["Trash"])); <<duplicate a message to the trash
result = count (mailfolder[""].mailbox["In"], message); <<how many messages in "In" box? <<Count message in In box
<<Won't work if you keep your signature somewhere other than the system folder...
result = getSignature()};
bundle { <<creating and working with a message
local (msg);
msg = createMessage(); <<create a new Outgoing message
<<set (msg.subject, "Subject")
<<Setting of message subject property doesn't seem to work in Eudora 3
<<Using the setMessageSubject verb actually sets the "subject" field of the message.
setMessageSubject (msg, "Subject");
set (msg.body, "Boo!");
<<The one step way:
newOutgoingMessage ("", user.mailAddress, "What a subject", "Hello There")};
bundle { <<attaching a file
local (f, msg);
msg = createMessage();
file.getFileDialog ("choose file to attach", @f, 0);
attachFiles (msg, f)};
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.