Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:00 AM.


on getOutlineFromUrl (username, url) {
		<<7/14/10; 7:04:33 PM by DW
			<<Add new outline -- "instantOutline"
		<<6/27/10; 9:30:16 AM by DW
			<<This url business was a mistake, but I don't want to unwind it all the way right now (getting ready for a hand-off).
				<<So... if it begins with http:// treat it as a url and assume it points to a story, get the story and return its opml text.
				<<If it doesn't begin with http://, it's blogroll, hometemplate or one of the other special outlines. 
		<<6/11/10; 10:26:02 PM by DW
			<<Factored into urlToStory so we could share code with the save routine.
				<<on getOutlineFromUrl (username, url)
						<<6/10/10; 1:53:02 PM by DW
							<<Added special cases for blogroll, hometemplate and storytemplate.
						<<6/10/10; 11:29:23 AM by DW
							<<Get the OPML text for stories. Later we'll add special cases for the other outlines we work with, like templates and the blogroll.
					<<local (adrdata = scripting2suite.inituser (username), adrsystemdata = scripting2suite.init (), baseurl)
					<<bundle //get baseurl
						<<if adrdata^.prefs.ftp.enabled
							<<baseurl = adrdata^.prefs.ftp.url
							<<baseurl = adrsystemdata^.prefs.baseurl + username + "/"
					<<local (s = string.delete (url, 1, sizeof (baseurl)), type) //now it's stories/2010/06/10/myScripting2Todo.html
					<<type = string.nthfield (s, "/", 1)
					<<s = string.delete (s, 1, sizeof (type) + 1)
					<<case string.lower (type)
							<<local (year, month, day, adrday, adrstory)
							<<year = string.nthfield (s, "/", 1)
							<<month = string.nthfield (s, "/", 2)
							<<day = string.nthfield (s, "/", 3)
							<<adrday = @adrdata^.calendar.[year].[month].[day]
							<<for adrstory in adrday
								<<if string.lower (adrstory^.url) == string.lower (url)
									<<return (adrstory^.opmltext)
							<<return (op.outlinetoxml (@adrdata^.prefs.blogroll))
							<<return (op.outlinetoxml (@adrdata^.prefs.homeTemplate))
							<<return (op.outlinetoxml (@adrdata^.prefs.storyTemplate))
					<<scripterror ("Can't get the outline identified by the url \"" + url + "\" because it doesn't exist.")
		<<6/10/10; 1:53:02 PM by DW
			<<Added special cases for blogroll, hometemplate and storytemplate.
		<<6/10/10; 11:29:23 AM by DW
			<<Get the OPML text for stories. Later we'll add special cases for the other outlines we work with, like templates and the blogroll.
	local (adrdata = scripting2suite.inituser (username), type, adrstory, lowerurl = string.lower (url));
	if lowerurl beginswith "http://" {
		scripting2Suite.server.urlToStory (username, url, @type, @adrstory);
		return (adrstory^.opmltext)}
	else {
		case lowerurl {
				<<return (adrstory^.opmltext)
			"blogroll" {
				return (op.outlinetoxml (@adrdata^.prefs.blogroll))};
			"hometemplate" {
				return (op.outlinetoxml (@adrdata^.prefs.homeTemplate))};
			"storytemplate" {
				return (op.outlinetoxml (@adrdata^.prefs.storyTemplate))};
			"stylesheet" {
				return (op.outlinetoxml (@adrdata^.prefs.stylesheet))}; //6/11/10 by DW
			"instantoutline" {
				local (s = adrdata^.prefs.instantOutline.opmltext);
				if sizeof (s) == 0 {
					local (instantOutline);
					new (outlinetype, @instantOutline);
					s = op.outlinetoxml (@instantOutline)};
				return (s)}}}}; //7/14/10 by DW
bundle { //test code
	local (tc = clock.ticks (), opmltext);
	for i = 1 to 1 {
		opmltext = getOutlineFromUrl ("davewiner", "")};
	dialog.alert (clock.ticks () - tc)}
	<<op.xmltooutline (opmltext, @scratchpad.storyoutline)

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.