Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:00 AM.
on buildTableOfContents (username) {
<<6/9/10; 5:40:24 AM by DW
<<Make it reverse-chronologic for years, but chronologic within each year. Before it was strictly chronologic.
<<6/3/10; 2:51:41 PM by DW
local (adrdata = scripting2suite.inituser (username), htmltext = "\r\r", now = (), path = "toc.html");
bundle { //update stats, 6/27/10 by DW
adrdata^.stats.whenLastTocBuild = now};
bundle { //get htmltext
local (startdate = adrdata^.prefs.archiveStartDate, startyear = date.year (startdate), floneyear = false);
local (enddate = mainresponder.calendar.getLastDay (@adrdata^.calendar), endyear = date.year (enddate));
local (indentlevel = 0, adryear, adrmonth, adrday, adrstory);
on add (s) {
htmltext = htmltext + string.filledstring ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r\n"};
on addyear (year, startmonth, endmonth) {
local (m, url);
add ("<li class=\"tocYear\"><a name=\"y" + year + "\"></a>" + year + "</li><ul>"); indentlevel++;
for m = startmonth to endmonth {
url = year + "/" + string.padwithzeros (m, 2) + ".html";
add ("<li class=\"tocMonth\"><a href=\"" + url + "\">" + date.monthtostring (m) + "</a></li>"); indentlevel++};
add ("</ul>"); indentlevel--};
on getmonth (d) {
local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second);
date.get (d, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second);
return (month)};
add ("<ul>"); indentlevel++;
bundle { //do the last year
if startyear != endyear { //more than one year
addyear (endyear, 1, getmonth (enddate))}};
bundle { //do the middle years
local (year);
for year = endyear-1 downto startyear+1 {
addyear (year, 1, 12)}};
bundle { //do the first year
if startyear == endyear { //special case
addyear (startyear, getmonth (startdate), getmonth (enddate));
floneyear = true}
else {
addyear (startyear, getmonth (startdate), 12)}};
add ("</ul>"); indentlevel--};
<<bundle //old code
<<for adryear in @adrdata^.calendar
<<add ("<li>" + nameof (adryear^) + "</li><ul>"); indentlevel++
<<for adrmonth in adryear
<<add ("<li>" + date.monthtostring (number (nameof (adrmonth^))) + "</li><ol>"); indentlevel++
<<for adrday in adrmonth
<<for adrstory in adrday
<<add ("<li><a href=\"" + adrstory^.url + "\">" + adrstory^.title + "</a></li>")
<<add ("</ol>"); indentlevel--
<<add ("</ul>"); indentlevel--
<<add ("</ul>"); indentlevel--
<<webbrowser.displaytext (htmltext)
bundle { //run it through the template
local (t);
new (tabletype, @t);
t.whenLastUpdate = now;
t.title = "Table of Contents";
scripting2Suite.server.setupMacrosTable (username, @t); //add common elements
scripting2Suite.server.getCalendarText (username, now, t.baseurl, @t.calendar, @t.nextPrevMonths);
bundle { //set nextPrev
t.nextPrev = ""}; //this is the toc betsy, it has no peer
bundle { //do simple replacements on the blogroll, 6/7/10 by DW
local (tsmall);
new (tabletype, @tsmall);
tsmall.calendar = t.calendar;
tsmall.nextPrevMonths = t.nextPrevMonths;
t.blogroll = string.multiplereplaceall (t.blogroll, @tsmall, false, "<%", "%>")};
t.bodytext = htmltext;
htmltext = string.multiplereplaceall (string (adrdata^.prefs.hometemplate), @t, false, "<%", "%>")};
bundle { //upload it, return url
return (scripting2Suite.writeStaticFile (username, path, htmltext))}};
bundle { //test code
webbrowser.openurl (buildTableOfContents ("arikia"))}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.