Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 1:05 AM.


on buildLiveBlogFeed (username, adrstory, flupload=true) {
		<<3/18/11; 5:36:45 PM by DW
			<<Look for subs with links, use that for the link attribute if present.
		<<7/10/10; 7:32:40 AM by DW
			<<The channel-level link is the url of the story, not the url of the blog.
		<<7/10/10; 5:25:03 AM by DW
			<<RSS feeds now take their title, link and description from the blog prefs if they haven't been set independently (right now there's no UI to set them).
		<<6/27/10; 7:01:07 PM by DW
			<<Build the live-blog feed from the indicated story.
	local (adrdata = scripting2Suite.initUser (username), now = (), xmltext = "");
	bundle { //generate xmltext
		local (indentlevel = 0);
		on add (s) {
			xmltext = xmltext + (string.filledstring ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r\n");};
		on encode (s) {
			if system.environment.isMac { //02/22/2001 JES: convert to Latin text
				return (xml.entityEncode (latinToMac.macToLatin (s), true))}
			else {
				return (xml.entityEncode (s, true))}};
		bundle { //add header elements
			local (headerdata, programversion = scripting2Suite.getProgramName ());
			scripting2Suite.server.getRssHeaderData (username, @headerdata); //7/10/10 by DW
			add ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
			add ("<!-- RSS generated by " + programversion + " on " + date.netstandardstring (now) + " -->");
			add ("<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:scripting2=\"\">"); indentlevel++;
			add ("<channel>"); indentlevel++;
			add ("<title>" + encode (headerdata.title) + "</title>");
			add ("<link>" + encode (adrstory^.url) + "</link>");
			add ("<description>" + encode (headerdata.description) + "</description>");
			add ("<language>en-us</language>");
			add ("<copyright>" + "Copyright " + date.year () + " " + encode (headerdata.copyrightHolder) + "</copyright>");
			add ("<pubDate>" + date.netstandardstring (now) + "</pubDate>");
			add ("<lastBuildDate>" + date.netstandardstring (now) + "</lastBuildDate>");
			add ("<docs>" + + "</docs>");
			add ("<generator>" + programversion + "</generator>");
			add ("<managingEditor>" + encode (headerdata.managingEditor) + "</managingEditor>");
			add ("<webMaster>" + encode (headerdata.webmaster) + "</webMaster>");
			bundle { //add <cloud>, 7/18/09 by DW
				add ("<cloud domain=\"\" port=\"5337\" path=\"/rsscloud/pleaseNotify\" registerProcedure=\"\" protocol=\"http-post\" />")}};
		bundle { //add items
			local (adrsummit = scripting2Suite.server.getStorySummit (adrstory), adritem);
			for adritem in adrsummit {
				if nameof (adritem^) endswith "outline" {
					local (adratts = @adritem^.["/atts"], flhavelink = false);
					add ("<item>"); indentlevel++;
					add ("<title>" + adratts^.text + "</title>");
					bundle { //see if it has a subhead that's a link node, 3/18/11 by DW
						local (adrsub);
						for adrsub in adritem {
							if nameof (adrsub^) endswith "outline" {
								local (adratts = @adrsub^.["/atts"]);
								if defined (adratts^.type) {
									if adratts^.type == "link" {
										add ("<link>" + adratts^.url + "</link>");
										add ("<description>" + adratts^.text + "</description>");
										flhavelink = true;
					if not flhavelink {
						if defined (adratts^.type) {
							if adratts^.type == "link" {
								add ("<link>" + adratts^.url + "</link>")}}};
					if defined (adratts^.created) {
						add ("<pubDate>" + adratts^.created + "</pubDate>");
						add ("<guid isPermaLink=\"false\">" + number (date (adratts^.created)) + "</guid>")};
					add ("</item>"); indentlevel--}}};
		add ("</channel>"); indentlevel--;
		add ("</rss>"); indentlevel--;
		bundle { //string substitutions
			xmltext = scripting2Suite.server.glossarySubstitution (@adrdata^.prefs.glossary, xmltext);
			xmltext = scripting2Suite.server.glossarySubstitution (, xmltext)}};
	bundle { //save the file
		if flupload {
			adrdata^.stats.urlLiveBlogFeed = scripting2Suite.writeStaticFile (username,, xmltext)}}};
bundle { //test code
	local (adrstory = @scripting2Data.server.users.davewiner.calendar.["2010"].["06"].["27"].["00295"]);
	buildLiveBlogFeed ("davewiner", adrstory)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.