Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:00 AM.
on getStories (username, adrstories, maxstories=15) {
<<5/29/10; 12:53:04 PM by DW
<<Rebuilt for scripting2.root.
<<9/6/07; 7:12:56 PM by DW
<<Core routine for building the home page, RSS feed, story list include.
local (adrdata = scripting2Suite.initUser (username), adrday, archivedate, adrout, ix = 1);
local (adrcal = scripting2Suite.loadOpmlArchive (username));
new (tabletype, adrstories);
scripting2Suite.getMostRecentDay (username, @adrday, @archivedate);
loop {
if sizeof (adrstories^) >= maxstories {
if defined (adrday^.f) { //there is an outline for that day
scripting2Suite.initArchiveDay (adrday);
if not defined (adrday^.xstruct) {
xml.compile (adrday^.opml, @adrday^.xstruct)};
local (adropml = xml.getaddress (@adrday^.xstruct, "opml"));
local (adrbody = xml.getaddress (adropml, "body"));
for adrout in adrbody {
if nameof (adrout^) endswith "outline" {
local (adrstory = @adrstories^.[string.padwithzeros (ix++, 4)], enclosureUrl = "");
new (tabletype, adrstory);
adrstory^.title = adrout^.["/atts"].text;
bundle { //set when
try {
adrstory^.when = date (adrout^.["/atts"].created)}
else {
adrstory^.when = archivedate}};
bundle { //get the story body
local (adrsubout, s = "");
for adrsubout in adrout {
if nameof (adrsubout^) endswith "outline" {
s = s + xml.entitydecode (adrsubout^.["/atts"].text, flAlphaEntities:true) + "<br><br>\r";
try { //3/5/08 by DW, set enclosureUrl
if adrsubout^.["/atts"].type == "link" {
enclosureUrl = adrsubout^.["/atts"].url}}}};
adrstory^.body = s};
bundle { //set the enclosure, 3/5/08 by DW
try {
if enclosureUrl != "" {
local (urllist = string.urlsplit (enclosureUrl), headheaders, t);
local (s = tcp.httpClient ("HEAD", server:urllist [2], path:urllist [3], timeOutTicks:60*30, flmessages:false, ctFollowRedirects:5));
new (tabletype, @headheaders);
webserver.util.parseHeaders (s, @headheaders);
scratchpad.headheaders = headheaders;
new (tabletype, @t);
t.url = enclosureUrl;
t.length = headheaders.["Content-length"];
t.type = headheaders.["Content-Type"];
adrstory^.enclosure = t}}};
<<add ("<enclosure url=\"" + url + "\" length=\"" + headheaders.["Content-length"] + "\" type=\"" + headheaders.["Content-Type"] + "\" />")
if sizeof (adrstories^) >= maxstories {
archivedate = date.yesterday (archivedate);
adrday = mainresponder.calendar.getDayAddress (adrcal, archivedate, false)}};
bundle { //test code
local (tc = clock.ticks ());
getStories ("davewiner", @scratchpad.recentStories, 10);
dialog.alert (clock.ticks () - tc);
edit (@scratchpad.recentStories)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.