Tuesday, February 08, 2011 at 1:06 AM.
on newPost (title=nil, dir=nodirection) {
<<2/5/11; 2:27:26 PM by DW
<<Add optional param, dir. If it's not nodirection, the caller knows where the new node is to be inserted, so we don't screw with location and direction.
<<7/7/10; 7:35:24 AM by DW
<<Add an optional parameter that allows the caller to tell us what the title of the new post is.
<<6/29/10; 7:31:12 AM by DW
<<Call scripting2Suite.editor.opInsertCallback to generate the attributes for a new paragraph line.
<<6/1/10; 10:36:19 AM by DW
<<Insert a new headline to the right when creating a new post.
local (adrdata = scripting2suite.init (), serverAtts);
bundle { //prompt the user for the title, if necessary
if title == nil { //7/7/10 by DW
if not dialog.ask ("Title for new post?", @adrdata^.prefs.lastNewPostTitle) {
title = adrdata^.prefs.lastNewPostTitle}};
bundle { //get the serverAtts for the new post, 7/3/10 by DW
local (username = adrdata^.editor.prefs.username);
local (password = string (adrdata^.editor.prefs.password));
local (server = string (adrdata^.editor.prefs.server));
serverAtts = [server].scripting2.newPost (username, password, title)};
bundle { //insert the title headline
if dir == nodirection { //2/5/11 by DW
op.firstsummit ();
if op.getlinetext () == "" {
op.setlinetext (title)}
else {
op.insert (title, up)}}
else {
op.insert (title, dir)}};
bundle { //attach the server atts
scripting2Suite.editor.initPostAtts (@serverAtts);
op.attributes.addgroup (@serverAtts)};
bundle { //insert a blank line to start the post
op.insert ("", right); //8/9/08 by DW
scripting2Suite.editor.opInsertCallback (); //6/29/10 by DW
wp.settextmode (true)}}; //8/9/08 by DW
bundle { //test code
newPost ("Hello World")}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.