Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:00 AM.
on checkWatchedFolder () {
<<7/4/10; 4:30:12 PM by DW
<<Added sounds before and after the image is uploaded.
<<7/4/10; 7:46:11 AM by DW
<<Bring the OPML Editor to the front after the picture is uploaded.
<<7/1/10; 6:07:19 AM by DW
<<Cribbed from wordPress.root.
local (adrdata = scripting2suite.init (), f);
if adrdata^.editor.prefs.watchedfolder.enabled {
adrdata^.editor.prefs.watchedfolder.whenLastCheck = ();
fileloop (f in adrdata^.editor.prefs.watchedfolder.folder) {
local (lowerf = string.lower (f));
if (lowerf endswith "gif") or (lowerf endswith "jpg") or (lowerf endswith "jpeg") {
local (url);
speaker.sound (1, 100, 1000);
url = scripting2Suite.editor.uploadImageFile (f);
bundle { //backup the image
local (pc = file.getpathchar ());
local (folder = adrdata^.editor.prefs.backupFolder + "images" + pc + adrdata^.editor.prefs.username + pc);
local (fbackup = folder + file.getdatepath () + file.filefrompath (f));
file.surefilepath (fbackup);
file.writewholefile (fbackup, file.readwholefile (f))};
bundle { //show clipboard text
local (img = scripting2Suite.editor.getImageClipboardText (f, url));
<<bundle //old code
<<local (t, height, width)
<<new (tabletype, @t)
<<bundle //set height, width
<<if lowerf endswith ".gif"
<<local (hw = html.getgifheightwidth (f))
<<height = hw [1]
<<width = hw [2]
<<hw = html.getjpegheightwidth (f)
<<height = hw [1]
<<width = hw [2]
<<t.url = url
<<t.height = height
<<t.width = width
<<t.filename = file.filefrompath (f)
<<wp.newtextobject (string.multipleReplaceAll (string (user.wordpress.prefs.watchedFolder.clipboardTemplate), @t, false, "<%", "%>"), @system.temp.clipboard); edit (@system.temp.clipboard)
frontier.bringtofront (); //7/4/10 by DW
wp.newtextobject (img, @system.temp.clipboard); edit (@system.temp.clipboard)};
speaker.sound (1, 125, 2000)};
file.delete (f);
return}}}; //only do one file each loop
bundle { //test code
checkWatchedFolder ()}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.