Monday, April 04, 2011 at 1:06 AM.


on receivePing (url, flLog) {
		<<10/24/09; 10:02:38 AM by DW
			<<Having a global minsecs proved too brutal for Lifeline feeds, which could easily change more often than every three minutes. So I set the default of the global minsecs to 0 and added a feed-level minsecs.
		<<10/21/09; 10:59:58 PM by DW
			<<Make sure ctsecs > 0. 
				<<"The server,, returned error code 4: Can't accept the request because the minimum seconds between pings is 180 and you pinged us -955956556 seconds ago."
		<<10/20/09; 1:29:05 PM by DW
			<<Don't delete the changes table entry right after you inserted it (changes.xml was broken since October 2).
		<<10/2/09; 10:33:05 AM by DW
			<<Tweak the log message a bit.
		<<9/4/09; 9:25:34 PM by DW
			<<Eliminate other instances of the feed in the changes table.
		<<7/12/09; 5:50:56 PM by DW
			<<Call this when a feed you're maintaining has changed.
	local (adrdata = rssCloudSuite.init (), adrfeed = rssCloudSuite.initFeed (url), now = (), startticks = clock.ticks ());
	rssCloudSuite.checkEnabled (); //scripterror if not enabled
	bundle { //10/21/09 by DW -- reject too-often pingers
		local (minsecs = adrdata^.prefs.minSecsBetweenPings);
		if adrfeed^.prefs.minSecsBetweenPings > minsecs { //10/24/09 by DW
			minsecs = adrfeed^.prefs.minSecsBetweenPings};
		if minsecs > 0 {
			local (ctsecs = number (now - adrfeed^.whenLastCheck));
			if ctsecs > 0 {
				if ctsecs < minsecs {
					scriptError ("Can't accept the request because the minimum seconds between pings is " + minsecs + " and you pinged us " + ctsecs + " seconds ago.")}}}};
	adrfeed^.whenLastCheck = now;
	local (tc = clock.ticks ());
	adrfeed^.ctTicksLastRead = clock.ticks () - tc;
	local (s = tcp.httpreadurl (url, ctFollowRedirects:5));
	local (hash = string.hashMD5 (s));
	if adrfeed^.lastHash != hash {
		adrfeed^.fldirty = true}
	else {
		if adrfeed^.lastSize != sizeof (s) {
			adrfeed^.fldirty = true}};
	adrfeed^.lastHash = hash;
	adrfeed^.lastSize = sizeof (s);
	if adrfeed^.fldirty {
		thread.callscript (@rssCloudSuite.notifySubscribers, {nameof (adrfeed^)});
		adrfeed^.whenLastUpdate = now};
	bundle { //log the ping
		if flLog {
			local (feedinfo, feedlink);
			rssCloudSuite.getFeedInfo (url, @feedinfo);
			bundle { //set feedlink
				if defined (feedinfo.title) {
					feedlink = "The feed, <a href=\"" + url + "\">" + feedinfo.title + "</a>, "}
				else {
					feedlink = "This <a href=\"" + url + "\">feed</a>"}};
			local (s = feedlink + " was said to have changed. We checked and the claim appears to be " + adrfeed^.fldirty + ".");
			log2.add (, "Ping", s, startticks)}};
	bundle { //push it on the changes table, 9/4/09 by DW
		local (adrdata = rsscloudsuite.init ());
		local (adrchange = @adrdata^.changes.[string.padwithzeros (++adrdata^.stats.ctChanges, 8)]);
		new (tabletype, adrchange);
		adrchange^.name = string (adrdata^.stats.ctChanges);
		adrchange^.when = now;
		adrchange^.url = url;
		bundle { //remove other instances of the feed in the changes table
			local (i, adr);
			for i = sizeof (adrdata^.changes) downto 1 {
				adr = @adrdata^.changes [i];
				if adr^.url == url {
					if adr != adrchange { //10/20/09 by DW
						delete (adr)}}}};
		adrdata^.stats.flChangesDirty = true};
	adrfeed^.fldirty = false;
	return (true)};
bundle { //test code
	receivePing ("", true)}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.