Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 1:05 AM.
on viewBeautifulRiver (adruser=nil) {
<<2/16/11; 9:20:45 AM by DW
<<Set the opmlUrl parameter.
<<2/13/11; 8:54:00 AM by DW
<<Set the jsonUrl parameter.
<<2/4/11; 3:57:48 PM by DW
<<The River of News mail list got together a jQuery-based static River viewer. Now I'm baking it into River2. Yaha.
local (adrdata = river2suite.init (), t);
if adruser != nil {
t = adruser^.prefs.beautifulRiver}
else {
t = adrdata^.prefs.beautifulRiver};
bundle { //t.jsonUrl, t.opmlUrl, 2/16/11 by DW
local (s3url = adrdata^.prefs.static.s3url, nameuser = nameof (adruser^));
if adrdata^.prefs.static.flSynchToS3 {
if adruser == nil {
t.jsonUrl = s3url + "river3.js";
t.opmlUrl = s3url + "index.opml"}
else {
t.jsonUrl = s3url + nameuser + "River3.js";
t.opmlUrl = s3url + nameuser + ".opml"}}
else {
t.jsonUrl = "indexRiver3.js";
t.opmlUrl = "index.opml"};
t.jsonUrl = t.jsonUrl + "?callback="};
local (s = string.multiplereplaceall (string (, @t, false, "<%", "%>"));
return (s)};
bundle { //test code
webbrowser.displaytext (viewBeautifulRiver ())}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.