Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:00 AM.


on setupPagetable (adruser, pta, extension=".html") {
		<<5/4/10; 10:36:20 AM by DW
			<<Mistake -- using "adrpage" to determin the name of the default file. It should be hard-coded to "index."
		<<5/4/10; 5:29:18 AM by DW
			<<Created. Factors common code.
	new (tabletype, pta);
	pta^.method = "GET";
	pta^.path = "";
	pta^.client = "staticbuild"; //must be defined
	pta^.adruser = adruser;
	bundle { //set searchArgs, 3/26/10 by DW
		if adruser == nil {
			pta^.searchargs = ""}
		else {
			pta^.searchargs = "user=" + string.urlencode (nameof (adruser^))}};
	new (tabletype, @pta^.river2);
	pta^.river2.flStaticBuild = true;
	pta^.river2.urlImageFolder = "";
	bundle { //set pta^.river2.staticFname
		if adruser == nil {
			pta^.river2.staticFname = "index" + extension}
		else {
			pta^.river2.staticFname = nameof (adruser^) + extension}}}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.