Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:00 AM.
on renewSubscriptions (flSubscribeAll = false) {
<<9/17/09; 7:46:44 AM by DW
<<Factored body of loop into renewOneSubscription to make testing much easier.
<<9/7/09; 11:56:03 AM by DW
<<Change in policy. If a cloud asks for http-post to request notification, then we ask for notification via http-post. This is a heuristic. Figuring if it doesn't speak XML-RPC on one side, it might not speak it on the other. (There's an app coming online that behaves this way. Early days in rssCloud.)
<<8/25/09; 1:29:46 PM by DW
<<Move the check for http-post inside an "else" -- to work around an (apparent) problem in the "with" statement? Weird.
<<8/16/09; 9:37:30 AM by DW
<<Minor tweaks to logging of renewal errors.
<<8/16/09; 9:26:18 AM by DW
<<Count and log renewal errors.
<<8/15/09; 7:28:30 PM by DW
<<Instead of hard-coding the renew at 24 hours, use the feed-level preference.
<<8/10/09; 2:55:21 PM by DW
<<Improved logging for "Please notify" events.
<<7/25/09; 10:33:45 AM by DW
<<Increment stats.ctCloudRenew.
<<7/21/09; 7:48:22 PM by DW
<<Add support for subscribing via REST, in addition to XML-RPC.
<<7/19/09; 11:39:35 AM by DW
<<Save the last cloud renew error string.
<<7/17/09; 11:06:25 AM by DW
<<Cribbed from xml.aggregator.updateSubscriptions.
<<12/27/01; 5:55:13 PM by PBS
<<If this is Frontier, check the firewall pref at adrdata^.prefs.flBehindFirewall since is not defined.
<<12/9/01; 10:41:43 AM by DW
<<People behind firewalls cannot receive notifications.
<<No point requesting them.
<<1/7/01; 12:36:24 PM by DW
<<Add support for HTTP-POST notification.
<<1/6/01; 8:46:28 PM by DW
<<Logging code is controlled by a preference.
<<1/6/01; 3:46:22 PM by JES
<<Changed the value of the 1st and 3rd parameters in the SOAP implementation to supply the correct actionURI and methodName.
<<1/5/01; 7:54:01 PM by DW
<<Add SOAP implementation.
<<1/5/01; 7:24:13 PM by DW
<<Add a boolean parameter, if true, we resubscribe to all, our IP address might have changed.
<<1/5/01; 5:32:13 PM by DW
<<Created. Send a request to receive notification for channels that support clouds.
<<Only send a request once every twenty-four hours.
local (adrdata = river2Suite.init ());
if adrdata^.prefs.flRequestCloudNotify {
local (startticks = clock.ticks (), htmltext = "");
local (adrfeed, now = ());
for adrfeed in @adrdata^.feeds {
local (urlfeed = nameof (adrfeed^), linkfeed = "<a href=\"" + urlfeed + "\">" + adrfeed^.feedinfo.title + "</a>");
river2Suite.initFeed (urlfeed);
if defined (adrfeed^ {
<<edit (adrfeed)
local (flsubscribe = true);
if not flSubscribeAll {
if (now - adrfeed^.stats.whenLastCloudRenew) < adrfeed^.prefs.ctSecsBetwRenews { //8/15/09 by DW
flsubscribe = false}};
if flsubscribe {
river2Suite.renewOneSubscription (adrfeed, @htmltext)}}};
<<bundle //old code that was factored, 9/17/09 by DW
<<local (startticksthisrenew = clock.ticks ())
<<with adrfeed^
<<if protocol == "xml-rpc"
<<local (server = "xmlrpc://" + domain + ":" + port + path)
<<[server].[registerProcedure] ("river2.feedUpdated", 5337, "/RPC2", "xml-rpc", {urlfeed})
<<local (params = {"river2.feedUpdated", 5337, "/RPC2", "xml-rpc", {urlfeed}})
<<betty.rpc.client (domain, port, registerProcedure, @params, rpcPath: path)
<<if protocol == "http-post" //7/21/09 by DW
<<bundle //request notification via to http-post, 9/7/09 by DW
<<local (apiurl = "http://" + domain + ":" + port + path, params)
<<new (tabletype, @params)
<<params.notifyProcedure = ""
<<params.port = 5337
<<params.path = "/river2/notify"
<<params.protocol = "http-post"
<<params.url1 = urlfeed
<<local (xmltext = tcp.httppost (apiurl, @params), xstruct)
<<xml.compile (xmltext, @xstruct)
<<local (adrnotifyresult = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "notifyResult"))
<<local (flsuccess = xml.getattributevalue (adrnotifyresult, "success"))
<<if not flsuccess
<<scripterror (xml.getattributevalue (adrnotifyresult, "msg"))
<<bundle //old code -- request notification via XML-RPC, switch to http-post, 9/7/09 by DW
<<local (apiurl = "http://" + domain + ":" + port + path, params)
<<new (tabletype, @params)
<<params.notifyProcedure = "river2.feedUpdated"
<<params.port = 5337
<<params.path = "/RPC2"
<<params.protocol = "xml-rpc"
<<params.url1 = urlfeed
<<local (xmltext = tcp.httppost (apiurl, @params), xstruct)
<<xml.compile (xmltext, @xstruct)
<<local (adrnotifyresult = xml.getaddress (@xstruct, "notifyResult"))
<<local (flsuccess = xml.getattributevalue (adrnotifyresult, "success"))
<<if not flsuccess
<<scripterror (xml.getattributevalue (adrnotifyresult, "msg"))
<<if protocol == "soap"
<<local (params = {"channelChanged", user.inetd.config.http.port, "/aggregator", "soap", {urlfeed}})
<<soap.rpc.client (path, registerProcedure, @params, domain, port)
<<htmltext = htmltext + linkfeed + ", "
<<adrfeed^.stats.lastCloudRenewError = tryerror //7/19/09 by DW
<<adrfeed^.stats.ctCloudRenewErrors++ //8/16/09 by DW
<<log2.add (, "Notify", "Error renewing " + linkfeed + ": \"" + tryerror + ".\"", startticksthisrenew)
<<adrfeed^.stats.whenLastCloudRenew = now
<<adrfeed^.stats.ctCloudRenew++ //7/25/09 by DW
if htmltext != "" {
htmltext = string.delete (htmltext, sizeof (htmltext) - 1, 2); //pop off last comma + space
htmltext = "Requested notification when the following feeds update: " + htmltext + ".";
log2.add (, "Notify", htmltext, startticks)}}};
bundle { //test code
renewSubscriptions (false)}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.