Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:00 AM.
on downloadOne (adrinriver) {
<<11/18/09; 5:49:45 PM by DW
<<Somehow we're being called for river items that don't have enclosures. So we check to see if it has one and if not, we don't do anything.
<<9/17/09; 5:16:01 AM by DW
<<If there's an error limiting the folder size don't die, and log the error.
<<9/8/09; 1:42:20 PM by DW
<<Change strings to say "enclosure" from "podcast" so it works equally well for pictures.
<<9/2/09; 10:21:26 AM by DW
<<maxFolderMegs is a podcast pref, not a top-level pref.
<<9/1/09; 7:57:31 PM by DW
<<Constrain the folder size by adrdata^.prefs.maxFolderMegs.
<<8/24/09; 9:14:33 PM by DW
<<Delete system.temp.river2.idDownloadThread when completed, allowing another download to begin.
<<8/22/09; 6:44:13 PM by DW
<<Created. Core podcatcher routine.
if defined (adrinriver^.enclosure) { //11/18/09 by DW
local (adrdata = river2Suite.init (), startticks = clock.ticks ());
local (adrfeed = river2Suite.initFeed (adrinriver^.feedurl));
river2Suite.initRiverItem (adrinriver);
local (feedname = adrfeed^.feedinfo.title);
local (folder = adrdata^.prefs.podcasts.downloadFolder, pc = file.getpathchar (), url = adrinriver^.enclosure.url);
local (fname = river2Suite.podcasts.cleanFilename (string.nthfield (url, "/", string.countfields (url, "/"))));
if fname contains "?" { //9/30/07 by DW
fname = string.nthfield (fname, "?", 1)};
local (f = folder + river2Suite.podcasts.cleanFilename (feedname) + pc + fname);
file.surefilepath (f);
<<dialog.alert (f)
try { //download the podcast
adrinriver^.podcast.whenDownloadBegan = ();
adrinriver^.podcast.f = f;
bundle { //msg
local (s = "Downloading enclosure \"" + feedname + "\"");
if adrinriver^.enclosure.length != 0 {
s = s + ", " + string.gigabytestring (adrinriver^.enclosure.length)};
s = s + ".";
msg (s)};
local (urllist = string.urlsplit (url));
local (s = string.httpResultSplit (tcp.httpClient (server:urllist [2], path:urllist [3], ctFollowRedirects:5, flmessages:false)));
file.writewholefile (f, s);
msg ("");
bundle { //if we have a pubdate, set the file dates to that
try {
if adrinriver^.pubdate != date (0) {
file.setcreated (f, adrinriver^.pubdate);
file.setmodified (f, adrinriver^.pubdate)}}};
bundle { //log the event
local (len = string.gigabytestring (adrinriver^.enclosure.length));
local (s = "Downloaded an <a href=\"" + url + "\">enclosure</a> from <a href=\"" + + string.urlencode (adrinriver^.feedurl) + "\">" + feedname + "</a> to a local <a href=\"" + html.getfileurl (f) + "\">file</a> (" + len + ").");
log2.add (, "Enclosure", s, startticks)};
adrinriver^.podcast.whenDownloadFinished = ();
adrfeed^.stats.whenLastPodcastDownload = ()}
<<podcatcherSuite.logDownload (adrq)
<<bundle //callbacks, 1/21/06 by DW
<<local (adrscript)
<<for adrscript in @adrdata^.callbacks.afterEnclosureDownload
<<while typeof (adrscript^) == addresstype
<<adrscript = adrscript^
<<adrscript^ (adrq)
else {
adrinriver^.podcast.lastError = tryerror};
bundle { //limit the folder size per the pref, log it if there's an error, 9/17/09 by DW
local (startticks = clock.ticks ());
try {
file.maxFolderSize (folder, adrdata^.prefs.podcasts.maxFolderMegs)} //9/2/09 by DW
else {
log2.add (, "Enclosure", "Error limiting the folder size after download: " + tryerror, startticks)}};
try {delete (@system.temp.river2.idDownloadThread)}}} //8/24/09 by DW
<<bundle //test code
<<downloadOne (@config.river2.river.["2009"].["08"].["20"].["0034910"])
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.