Monday, November 08, 2010 at 12:00 AM.


on cleanFilename (fname) {
		<<3/28/08; 11:12:30 AM by DW
			<<If a file name is too long, don't drop the extension, because without the extension the OS won't know what to do with the file.
		<<9/19/05; 5:45:19 PM by DW
			<<Legal characters for DOS file names include the following:
			<<Upper case letters A-Z 
			<<Numbers 0-9 
			<<Space (though trailing spaces are considered to be padding and not a part of the file name) 
			<<! # $ % & ( ) - @ ^ _ ` { } ~ ' 
			<<Values 128-255 
	if system.environment.isWindows {
		local (i, ch, fllegal, s="");
		for i = 1 to sizeof (fname) {
			ch = fname [i];
			fllegal = true;
			if not string.isalpha (ch) {
				if not string.isnumeric (ch) {
					if (number (char (ch)) < 128) {
						if not ({' ', '!', '#', '%', '.', ',', '&', '(', ')', '-', '@', '_', '`', '{', '}', '~', "'"} contains ch) {
							fllegal = false}}}};
			if fllegal {
				s = s + ch}};
		return (s)}
	else {
		fname = string.replaceall (fname, ":", "-");
		fname = string.replaceall (fname, "!", "");
		fname = string.replaceall (fname, "|", "");
		if sizeof (fname) >= 32 { //too long!
			if fname contains "." {
				local (ext = "." + string.lastfield (fname, "."));
				fname = string.mid (fname, 1, 31 - sizeof (ext)) + ext} //3/28/08 by DW
			else {
				fname = string.mid (fname, 1, 31)}};
		return (fname)}};
bundle { //test code
	dialog.alert (cleanFilename ("030708-clinton-calla.source.prod_affiliate.91.mp3"))}

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.