Monday, April 04, 2011 at 1:08 AM.
on viewMenu () {
<<3/15/11; 2:04:44 PM by DW
<<If it's the userWhoCanCreateNewAccounts show the New User command.
<<3/13/11; 12:16:15 PM by DW
<<Docs command points to the real howto. (URL might still change, but the menu command will keep working.)
<<3/8/11; 11:13:56 AM by DW
<<Feed, Bucket and URLs menu items fold into Prefs. Added link to Docs page.
<<3/7/11; 9:15:57 AM by DW
<<Add sign-out command.
<<3/5/11; 9:52:36 AM by DW
<<Add River command.
<<3/3/11; 3:19:52 PM by DW
<<Add a link to the Feed prefs page.
<<3/3/11; 7:24:49 AM by DW
<<Add link to Links page.
<<2/23/11; 11:49:05 PM by DW
<<Add link to Counts page.
<<2/20/11; 11:22:28 AM by DW
<<Add URLs item to menu.
<<2/17/11; 10:33:36 AM by DW
<<Add the Log command to the menu.
<<1/13/11; 8:14:25 AM by DW
<<Cribbed from river2suite.viewMenu.
local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress (), adrdata = radio2suite.init (), flhascookie, username);
local (pagename = nameof (pta^.adrobject^), htmltext = "", indentlevel = 0, paramstring = "");
bundle { //set flhascookie
flhascookie = opmlEditor.member.checkCookie ("", @username, false)};
on add (s) {
htmltext = htmltext + string.filledstring ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r"};
on additem (title, thispagename, url=nil, fllast=false) {
add ("");
if pagename == thispagename {
add ("<b>" + string.upper (title) + "</b>")}
else {
if url == nil {
url = thispagename + paramstring};
add ("<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + title + "</a>")};
if not fllast {
add ("|")}};
if flhascookie {
additem ("Home", "index");
<<additem ("History", "history") //3/5/11 by DW
additem ("Counts", "counts"); //2/23/11 by DW
additem ("Links", "links"); //3/3/11 by DW
additem ("Bookmarklet", "bookmarklet");
<<additem ("Feed", "prefs?page=1.3")
<<additem ("Bucket", "prefs?page=1.1")
<<additem ("URLs", "prefs?page=1.2")
additem ("Prefs", "prefs");
additem ("Log", "log"); //2/17/11 by DW
additem ("Docs", ""); //3/8/11 by DW
bundle { //New User command, 3/15/11 by DW
if string.lower (username) == string.lower (adrdata^.prefs.userWhoCanCreateNewAccounts) {
additem ("New User", "newUser")}};
additem ("River", "river"); //3/6/11 by DW
additem ("Sign-out", "signout", fllast:true)} //3/7/11 by DW
<<add (username) //experiment
else {
additem ("Sign-in", "signin", fllast:true)}; //3/7/11 by DW
if htmltext endswith "|\r" { //3/16/10 by DW
htmltext = string.delete (htmltext, sizeof (htmltext)-1, 2)};
return ("<div class=\"navMenu\"><b>" + + " v" + radio2Info.version + "</b>: " + htmltext + "</div>")};
bundle { //test code
webbrowser.displaytext (navigationMenu ())}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.