Monday, April 04, 2011 at 1:07 AM.
on securityChallenge (adradruser) {
<<3/7/11; 8:31:51 AM by DW
<<Switch to cookie-based user authentication.
<<bundle //old code
<<local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress (), adrdata = radio2suite.init ())
<<if webserver.util.parseAuth (pta) //get username and password
<<local (adruser = @adrdata^.users.[pta^.username])
<<if not defined (adruser^)
<<scripterror ("Can't access the site because there is no user named \"" + pta^.username + ".\"")
<<if not adruser^.prefs.enabled //3/5/11 by DW
<<scripterror ("Can't access the site because it is being worked on at this time.")
<<if string (pta^.password) == string (adruser^
<<adradruser^ = adruser
<<radio2suite.inituser (adruser) //2/21/11 by DW
<<return (true)
<<bundle //send challenge
<<local (pagebody = "A valid username and password are required to access this page.")
<<pta^.responseBody = webserver.util.buildErrorPage ("401 Unauthorized", pagebody)
<<pta^.responseHeaders.["WWW-Authenticate"] = "Basic realm=\"" + + "\""
<<pta^.code = 401
<<return (false)
<<3/5/11; 11:35:36 AM by DW
<<Don't pass if the user's account is not enabled.
<<2/21/11; 6:42:15 PM by DW
<<Call initUser before returning, this is the bottleneck -- makes sure there are no uninitiaized elements of the user table.
<<1/7/11; 10:18:47 AM by DW
<<Rewrite to return adruser, instead of having it passed as a parameter.
<<on securityChallenge (adruser)
<<1/7/11; 10:18:47 AM by DW
<<Rewrite to not take adruser as a parameter.
<<2/25/05; 6:37:03 PM by DW
<<local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress ())
<<if adruser^
<<if webserver.util.parseAuth (pta) //get username and password
<<if string.lower (pta^.username) == string.lower (nameof (adruser^))
<<if string (pta^.password) == string (adruser^
<<return (true)
<<bundle //send challenge
<<local (pagebody = "A valid username and password are required to access this page.")
<<pta^.responseBody = webserver.util.buildErrorPage ("401 Unauthorized", pagebody)
<<pta^.responseHeaders.["WWW-Authenticate"] = "Basic realm=\"Admin\""
<<pta^.code = 401
<<return (false)
<<return (true)
<<2/25/05; 6:37:03 PM by DW
local (adrdata = radio2suite.init (), username);
if opmlEditor.member.checkCookie ("signin", @username) {
adradruser^ = @adrdata^.users.[username];
return (true)}
else {
return (false)}};
bundle { //test code
securityChallenge ()}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.