Monday, April 04, 2011 at 1:08 AM.
on buildHtmlArchive (adruser, adrfeed) {
<<3/17/11; 12:58:12 AM by DW
<<Add item-level permalinks.
<<3/10/11; 9:04:12 AM by DW
<<Get the template from the user's prefs table.
<<3/3/11; 10:56:55 PM by DW
<<Properly handle items with links in the HTML rendering. Example:
<<3/1/11; 9:54:24 PM by DW
<<Account for the fact that string.urlsplit can fail if the link isn't properly formatted.
<<3/1/11; 4:25:08 PM by DW
<<Fixed bug where it would fail if an item had an empty link.
<<2/28/11; 7:00:19 PM by DW
<<Build the HTML archive.
local (t, now = (), templatetext, imgPermalink);
bundle { //set up images
imgPermalink = string (};
bundle { //setup t
new (tabletype, @t);
t.title = adrfeed^.prefs.htmlArchive.pagetitle;
t.feedUrl = adrfeed^.stats.feedUrl;
t.xmlIcon = string (; //3/10/11 by DW = now};
bundle { //generate t.reportText
local (htmltext = "", indentlevel = 0, lastday = date (0));
local (htmlarray, ct=0, maxct = adrfeed^.prefs.htmlArchive.maxct, currentdaytext = "", flfirstday = true);
local (imgleftarrow = string (;
new (tabletype, @htmlarray);
on add (s) {
if sizeof (htmltext) > 50000 {
htmlarray.[string.padwithzeros (sizeof (htmlarray), 5)] = htmltext;
htmltext = ""};
htmltext = htmltext + string.filledstring ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r\n";};
on visit (adritem) {
local (when = adritem^.when, domain = "");
if not date.sameday (lastday, when) {
local (aname, leftarrow);
bundle { //set aname, leftarrow
local (day, month, year, hour, minute, second);
date.get (when, @day, @month, @year, @hour, @minute, @second);
local (label = "linksFor" + day + date.monthtostring (month) + year);
aname = "<a name=\"" + label + "\"></a>";
leftarrow = " <a href=\"#" + label + "\">" + imgleftarrow + "</a>"};
add ("<h4>" + aname + date.longstring (when) + leftarrow + "</h4>"); add ("");
<<msg (lastday)
<<bundle //handle callback on first day's text
<<if flfirstday and (sizeof (currentdaytext) > 0)
<<local (adrscript)
<<for adrscript in @adrdata^.callbacks.buildArchiveDay
<<while typeof (adrscript^) == addresstype
<<adrscript = adrscript^
<<adrscript^ (currentdaytext, lastday)
<<scratchpad.lastbuilderror = tryerror
<<flfirstday = false
<<currentdaytext = ""
lastday = when};
bundle { //set domain
if sizeof (adritem^.link) > 0 {
local (link = adritem^.link);
try { //string.urlsplit can fail if the link isn't properly formatted.
local (ul = string.urlsplit (link));
domain = string.lower (ul [2]);
if domain beginswith "www." {
domain = string.delete (domain, 1, 4)}}}};
<<if domain endswith "" //do an extra popsuffix
<<domain = string.popsuffix (domain)
<<domain = string.popsuffix (domain) //get rid of .com, .net, .org
<<if domain contains "."
<<domain = string.lastfield (domain, ".")
<<adritem^.domainFull = domain
local (s, title = string.trimwhitespace (adritem^.title), permalink = "p" + number (nameof (adritem^)));
bundle { //set s
local (i);
s = "<a name=\"" + permalink + "\"></a>" + string.trimwhitespace (adritem^.description);
if s endswith "</a>" { //if it ends with a link, pop it off
for i = sizeof (s) downto 1 {
if s [i] == ' ' {
s = string.mid (s, 1, i-3);
if sizeof (title) == 0 {
if sizeof (domain) > 0 {
s = s + " <a href=\"" + adritem^.link + "\">" + domain + "</a>"}}
else {
s = "<a href=\"" + adritem^.link + "\">" + title + "</a> " + s};
s = s + " <a href=\"#" + permalink + "\">" + imgPermalink + "</a><br /><br />";
add (s);
currentdaytext = currentdaytext + s; //12/6/10 by DW
return (ct++ < maxct)};
mainresponder.calendar.visitReverseChronologic (@adrfeed^.calendar, @visit);
bundle { //build t.reportText from htmlarray
local (i);
t.reportText = "";
for i = 1 to sizeof (htmlarray) {
t.reportText = t.reportText + htmlarray [i]};
t.reportText = t.reportText + htmltext}};
bundle { //save file
local (s = string.multiplereplaceall (string (adruser^.prefs.htmlArchiveTemplate), @t, false, "<%", "%>"));
adrfeed^.stats.htmlUrl = radio2Suite.writeStaticFile (adruser, adrfeed^.prefs.htmlArchive.filename, s);
adrfeed^.stats.whenLastArchiveBuild = ()}};
bundle { //test code
buildhtmlarchive (@config.radio2.users.dave, @config.radio2.users.dave.feeds.["linkblog.xml"])}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.