Tuesday, April 05, 2011 at 2:00 PM.
on checkCookie (urlRedirect, adrusername, flredirect=true) {
<<4/3/11; 4:25:32 PM by DW
<<Call opmleditor.init. If the request is coming from the local machine, and we can't validate the user via cookies, the user is automatically "admin" -- if the pref is set true.
<<3/7/11; 7:11:23 PM by DW
<<Don't look for the specific cookie if there are no cookies at all.
<<3/7/11; 8:36:59 AM by DW
<<Return true if the user has the cookie and a valid username and password, else redirect to the indicated address.
<<The cookie looks like this: "username%3Ddave%26password%3Dbloing"
<<Added optional flredirect param. Our menu code wants to display an abbreviated menu if the user is not a member, so it doesn't want the redirect.
local (pta = html.getpagetableaddress (), now = clock.now ());
local (adrgroup = opmlEditor.member.initGroup ());
opmlEditor.init ();
if defined (pta^.requestHeaders.cookies) {
local (adrcookie = @pta^.requestHeaders.cookies.[adrgroup^.cookiename]);
if defined (adrcookie^) {
local (args);
new (tabletype, @args);
webserver.parseargs (string.urldecode (adrcookie^), @args);
if defined (args.username) and defined (args.password) {
if opmlEditor.member.validate (args.username, args.password) {
adrusername^ = args.username;
return (true)}}}};
bundle { //allow access for local user, as admin, 4/3/11 by DW
if user.opmlEditor.prefs.flLocalMemberIsAdmin {
if opmlEditor.isSameMachine (pta^.client) {
local (username = "admin");
local (adrmember = opmlEditor.member.initMember (username, flcreate:true));
adrmember^.stats.whenLastLocalAccess = now;
adrusername^ = username;
return (true)}}};
if flredirect {
webserver.redirect (pta, urlRedirect)};
return (false)};
bundle { //test code
html.setpagetableaddress (@scratchpad.radio2params);
checkcookie ("http://scripting.com/")}
This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.