Friday, December 31, 2010 at 11:00 AM.


on decompile (adrtable) {
		<<12/31/10; 10:57:38 AM by DW
			<<Use the replacetable when encoding, it also converts carriage returns and linefeeds.
		<<10/24/10; 8:20:06 PM by DW
			<<Handle empty lists. If we're passed the address of a scalar, then just process a scalar. In other words, don't convert scalars to structs or lists.
		<<10/23/10; 5:58:25 PM by DW
			<<Output numbers and booleans without "double quotes"
		<<10/23/10; 5:18:42 AM by DW
			<<Add a special case for a table that is a list. See workspace.userlandSamples.jsonTesting.tables.adobeExample1 for a test case.
		<<10/11/10; 8:43:31 AM by DW
			<<Encode double-quotes by prefacing them with a backslash. List whose elements were scalars were not being output correctly, that was fixed.
		<<10/8/10; 3:54:30 PM by DW
			<<Initial version of a utility that outputs an XML structure in JSON. A general purpose JSONizer. I'm testing it here:
	local (jsontext = "", indentlevel = 0, emptyName = "<<empty>>");
	on add (s) {
		jsontext = jsontext + string.filledstring ("\t", indentlevel) + s + "\r"};
	on droplastcomma () {
		<<scratchpad.jtx = string.mid (jsontext, sizeof (jsontext) - 10, 11)
		for i = sizeof (jsontext) downto 1 {
			if jsontext [i] == "," {
				jsontext = string.delete (jsontext, i, 1);
		<<scratchpad.jtx = string.mid (jsontext, sizeof (jsontext) - 9, 10)
	on encode (s) {
		return (string.multiplereplaceall (s,};
		<<return (string.replaceall (s, "\"", "\\\"")) //replace " with \"
	on getnameof (adr) {
		local (name = nameof (adr^));
		if name == "/pcdata" {
			return ("#value")}
		else {
			if name contains "\t" {
				name = string.nthfield (name, "\t", 2);
				if name == "" { //10/23/10 by DW
					name = emptyName}};
			return (name)}};
	on getscalarstring (adr) { //10/23/10 by DW
		case typeof (adr^) {
			stringtype {
				return ("\"" + encode (string (adr^)) + "\"")};
			booleantype {
				return (encode (string (adr^)))};
			listtype { //must be an empty list -- 10/24/10 by DW
				return ("[ ]")};
			unknownType {
				return ("null")}}}; //10/24/10 by DW
	on additem (adr, comma="", fllistitem=false) {
		if nameof (adr^) != "/atts" {
			if typeof (adr^) == tabletype {
				name = getnameof (adr);
				if name != emptyName { //10/23/10 by DW
					add ("\"" + getnameof (adr) + "\":")};
				dotable (adr, comma)}
			else {
				if fllistitem {
					add (getscalarstring (adr) + comma)}
				else {
					add ("\"" + getnameof (adr) + "\": " + getscalarstring (adr) + comma)}}}};
	on dotable (adrtable, tablelevelcomma="") {
		local (adr, fllast, comma, countsarray);
		bundle { //fill countsarray
			local (adr, adrcount);
			new (tabletype, @countsarray);
			for adr in adrtable {
				adrcount = @countsarray.[getnameof (adr)];
				if defined (adrcount^) {
				else {
					adrcount^ = 1}}};
		add ("{"); indentlevel++;
		bundle { //output the attributes first
			local (adratts = @adrtable^.["/atts"], comma);
			if defined (adratts^) {
				for adratt in adratts {
					add ("\"" + nameof (adratt^) + "\": \"" + encode (string (adratt^)) + "\",")}}};
		bundle { //first pass, elements with one occurrence
			local (adr);
			for adr in adrtable {
				if countsarray.[getnameof (adr)] == 1 {
					bundle { //set comma
						if indexof (adr^) == sizeof (adrtable^) { //last item in table
							comma = ","}
						else {
							comma = ","}};
					additem (adr, comma)}}};
		bundle { //second pass, elements with more than one occurrence
			local (adrcount);
			for adrcount in @countsarray {
				if adrcount^ > 1 {
					local (namethis = nameof (adrcount^));
					add ("\"" + namethis + "\": ["); indentlevel++;
					for adr in adrtable {
						if getnameof (adr) == namethis {
							if typeof (adr^) == tabletype {
								dotable (adr)}
							else {
								additem (adr, fllistitem:true)};
							add (",")}};
					add ("]"); indentlevel--}}};
		droplastcomma ();
		add ("}" + tablelevelcomma); indentlevel--};
	if typeof (adrtable^) == tabletype {
		bundle { //special case for table that is a list, 10/23/10 by DW
			local (adr, fllist = false);
			for adr in adrtable {
				if string.nthfield (nameof (adr^), "\t", 2) == "" { //it's a list
					fllist = true};
			if fllist {
				add ("["); indentlevel++;
				for adr in adrtable {
					additem (adr, ",", fllistitem:true)};
				droplastcomma ();
				add ("]"); indentlevel--;
				return (jsontext)}};
		dotable (adrtable)}
	else {
		additem (adrtable, fllistitem:true)};
	return (jsontext)}
<<bundle //test code
	<<wp.newtextobject (decompile (@scratchpad.foolishshit), @scratchpad.wpobj)
	<<wp.newtextobject (decompile (@workspace.userlandSamples.jsonTesting.tables.adobeExample1Variant1), @scratchpad.wpobj)
	<<webbrowser.displaytext ("<pre>" + decompile (@scratchpad.items) + "</pre>")

This listing is for code that runs in the OPML Editor environment. I created these listings because I wanted the search engines to index it, so that when I want to look up something in my codebase I don't have to use the much slower search functionality in my object database. Dave Winer.